The Disaster That I Call Apollo's Poems// Chapter 25

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"Oh gods, I don't think I feel well," I whisper as I clutch my stomach. Jason patted me on the back. "That's called wedding day jitters, man. We all had them."

I watch as Percy and Frank nod in agreement. I sigh loudly and fix my hair for what seems like the millionth time. I was so nervous. Sweat beaded down my face and through my shirt. Great, I was going to look like a sweaty oaf on the day I got married to Nico di Angelo.

As a shaky breath escaped my quivering lips, I got up, making sure to check that my appearance was as close to perfect as it could get. Satisfied with what I saw, I walked out and took my place.

"Five minutes," a guy said as he walked by. I took a deep, shaky breath as the guests started to file in. I play with my thumbs nervously. I was getting married... To Nico di Angelo... The Nico di Angelo.

Gods, what did I ever do to deserve such a blessing like him?

I close my eyes momentarily as from the corner of my eye, Jason gives me a thumbs up before he goes outside to check on Piper, who was busy trying to calm down Silena before the ceremony started.

I turn around to see Percy comforting a stressed Annabeth. I could tell he was on edge. Annabeth still hadn't had her baby and she was due any minute, so anything could happen. Percy even brought the hospital bag just in case.

My lips slowly twitch into a smile as I think about how Nico and I will have a family someday. A dreamy sigh escapes my lips before I'm pulled back into realty as someone taps my shoulder.

I turn around and to my surprise, it's Apollo.

"D-Dad?!" I choke out. Out of all the people I invited, I didn't think he'd show up.

He smiled and chuckled a little, his presence brightening up the room. "I just wanted to say good luck before the ceremony started." I stared in awe, still shocked that he decided to come. I managed to pull myself out of my current state enough to stutter out a, "Y-Yeah, thanks f-for coming and all..."

"Wouldn't have missed it, son." He patted my shoulder before he walked off to take his place next to some guy dressed in all black. I realized it was Hades. Though it wasn't hard to figure it out since he had the same pale skin, dark hair, and threatening look as my soon-to-be-husband.

"One minute!" The guy from before warned.

Everyone rushed to take their place. Piper handed Silena over to Leo since she was a bridesmaid. Leo stared down uncomfortably down at his goddaughter. Next to him, Calypso rolled his eyes and gently took the baby. She was a natural since she made the small infant giggle and smile while her color changing eyes sparkled.

Music started playing and the butterflies in my stomach flapped as they turned into giant ones. The flower girl, Reyna, came into the room and gently let the petals fall to the floor, creating a beautiful line of roses. Along side of her was Frank, the ring boy. Then, came the bridesmaids; Annabeth, Piper, and Hazel. At last, Nico slowly walked into the room, looking fine in his tuxedo, if I do say so myself. He was accompanied by both Percy and Jason, since they had both wanted to walk him down the aisle. How adorable.

Before they handed him off to me, Percy jokingly whispered, "Is it too late for me to become your type?" Nico rolled his eyes, but it still wasn't enough to wipe the smile off his face.

He stood across from me and I prayed that nobody could hear how loud my heart was beating.

After some long and boring speeches, it was finally time.

"Do you, Will Solace, take Nico di Angelo to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"And do you, Nico di Angelo, take Will Solace to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

We slid the rings onto each other's finger. "You may now kiss the husband."

We grinned and I quickly pulled him close, attaching my warm lips to his cold ones. I could hear applauses and cheers around us, but calling Nico my husband was all that mattered.


At the after party, Apollo decided to make an announcement. "May I have everybody's attention please?"

We all looked up from our dancing. "Oh, gods, please no," Hades grumbled from the corner.

Apollo grinned. "To celebrate my son finding love, I wrote a poem."

Loud groaning exploded from all over the room. I face-palmed, waiting for the disaster that I call Apollo's poems.

"Roses are red, I am awesome, congrats to you two, plow his ass, son." He winked.

My cheeks went red at the last line. "Dad!"

"What? You wanna hear another one?" Almost immediately, everyone screamed no. For someone who was the god of poetry, he made those cheesy Valentine cards look like Shakespeare wrote them.
Nico laughed and kissed my cheek.

We suddenly turned around when a high pitched scream was made. Annabeth was standing under a puddle of water.

"Jeez Annabeth, I get your water just broke, but there's no need to scream that loud."

She frowned and shook her head. "I didn't scream, Percy did."

We looked over at him, who was running around in panicked circles. "What do we do?! What do we do?!" 

"You get me to the hospital, Seaweed Brain!"


And with that, we all made a trip to the hospital for the second time this week.


"Dam, childbirth sure is slow," Leo mumbled quietly. I sigh quietly as I hear Annabeth scream louder than usual.

"Baby's out," Piper mumbled.

"How do you know?"

Percy suddenly walked out looking as exhausted as Jason had. "Baby's out," he mumbled.

"Told ya!"

We got up and walked into the room where a baby was bundled up in a sea green blanket. Annabeth looked down at the baby with a proud gleam in her eye along with Percy.

"It's a boy," she whispered as the small infant slowly reached out and wrapped his tiny hands around her finger.

We all 'aww'ed quietly, making sure not to disturb the baby.

Today was just full of excitement and surprises, huh?

"Whats his name?"

Annabeth winked over at Piper who grinned down at Silena. "Charles Jackson."


A/N: Ahh, one more chapter before this story is over! Can you believe it? This story has come such a long way, I couldn't be prouder. What did you guys think on Apollo's poem? I thought it was fabulous and a masterpiece.


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