"Just Friends"//Chapter 2

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He kissed me. Nico di Angelo kissed me. Well, it wasn't an actual kiss, it was just a kiss on the cheek, a friendly one that was just his way of saying, 'leave me alone already.' It's been a day since I left his room, and the blush on my cheeks has failed to subside. I couldn't sleep last night, my thoughts keeping me up as I argued with the voice in my head. "You're obsessed with him," it told me. "I am not, I just like spending time with him, and thinking about him," I argued. "Yeah, because everyone thinks about their friends like that." "Shut up," I hissed at myself, "it's not like I'm obsessed with him, or something." I chose my words carefully, since there weren't any exact words, any that I knew anyway, that summed up my feelings for Nico. "Will, are you talking to yourself?" One of my siblings asked. "Um... No..." I said clearly embarrassed for one, getting caught arguing with myself, and two, forgetting I share a cabin.

The next day, I kept getting weird glances from others in the infirmary because every time I thought about Nico, I turned to the color of a red apple. One of my sisters, Allie, even stopped and asked if I was okay. Curse you, Nico. What are you doing to me?

As I walked down the hall and out the door to go get some lunch, words kept flowing through my mind. 'Will di Angelo. Nico Solace. Will Solace di Angelo. Nico di Angelo Solace. If Nico and I got married, who would take the last name?' I must have been seriously spaced out, cause I ran straight into Percy and Jason. "Oops.. Sorry, guys..." I gave them an apologetic smile, obviously embarrassed for getting caught indulged in my woolgathering. "Hey Will, how's Nico?" Jason asked me with a sly smirk. Was it obvious I had a thing for the son of Hades? Maybe his girlfriend, Piper, had told him something. She was the daughter of Aphrodite, after all.

Percy was muttering under his breath something about not being someone's type, or something, whatever that meant. "Umm he's good, I guess... He's in the infirmary right now sleeping." I shuffle around awkwardly, what's up with Jason's smirk? "Okay, I'll just go get my lunch now..." I walked off to get my lunch, when an idea popped into my head. 'I should get Nico some lunch.' I smiled as I walked off.


I sat quietly, watching the small little angel sleep as he nuzzled his face into the pillow. Despite the fact that he was under the covers plus a blanket, his skin was icy cold. I glanced at him before looking down at the paper in front of me. For once, I put my artistic ability to use. A picture of the sleeping angel was sketched onto the paper, a small heart next to his head with the initials 'WS+NdA' written in it. Totally normal stuff that everyone does with their friends. I hummed a quiet tone as I added detail to his hair. Except this time when I looked up at him, he was staring back at me. "Hey,"I said softly as he sat up and yawned.

"Hi," he said groggily. Then, he asked, "Why are you here?" I froze. What do I say? I'm here because you're adorable when you sleep? I cleared my throat and said the only thing I could think of.

"Medical reasons."

Yes, I know what you're thinking. Really, Will? I panicked, okay?

I grabbed the plate of pasta and handed it to him. "What's this?" He asked. "Your lunch, bon appetite." I watched as he twirled the noodles around his fork before setting it down. "You know, I'm not really that hungry."

I frowned and argued, "Come on, Neeks, you have to eat."

"I said I'm not hungry."

I sighed and suddenly moved onto his bed, another brilliant idea slithered its way into my head. I grabbed his plate, twirled some noodles around the fork, and brought it close to his mouth. I expected him to roll his eyes, shove the pasta in my face, and tell me to get out. That is not what happened.

Instead, he slowly opened his mouth and ate the small portion of the food. His cheeks went red as I grinned at him. So, for the next couple of minutes, we just sat in silence as he ate and I fed him. After 3/4 of the pasta was gone, he sat back and said, "I'm full." And I believed him. I'm pretty sure its been a while since he ate this much food, judging by how skinny he was.

I looked down at my watch. "I forgot I had an archery class today, dam it." I was too busy thinking about Nico that I had completely forgotten all of my duties and responsibilities. I got up and headed to the door when I heard Nico say, "Great, I'll be all alone with nothing to do." I turned around to face him.

The lightbulb went off in my head, yet again.

"You should come to archery!"

Nico's eyes widened. "No way! I suck at archery. I'll end up shooting someone by accident." I shook my head. "We're using the arrows with the dull tip. Besides, I'll be teaching the class and I'm the best one at camp. You'll have something to pass the time plus you'll be learning archery."

Nico took a deep breath and looked away. "I'll think about it," he mumbled. I nodded. I tried my best, and he didn't exactly say no or yes, so there's a chance he'll show up.

I walked out, closing the door behind me. I hope he shows up.


Come on, where is he? I looked around nervously, anxiously chewing my lip. Nico hadn't shown up in the beginning, so I just thought he was running late or something. But I've already given instructions and everyone was picking up bows and arrows and trying to hit the targets.

I have to face the facts. He isn't just going to randomly show up- "WILL!" I turned my head and saw Nico running towards me. Or maybe he is... Once he stopped in front of me, he started panting. "I'm sorry I'm... Late, I was busy daydreaming... I mean sleeping, and time passed by and I didn't notice.. Because I was sleeping.." I was too busy focusing on the fact that he came. (That's what she said) He was here. He actually showed up.

I nodded. "It's okay, I understand. Come on." I grabbed his cold hand, which caused the butterflies in my stomach to start fluttering around like crazy. I handed him a bow and arrow and instructed him how to aim. (I don't know what to write, I don't take archery) Nico tried, but it bounced off the target.

"I told you I stink!" I shook my head. "You don't stink, you're just new to this." I lifted his elbow a bit. "Alright, keep your eye on the target. Breathe in... Breathe out... And let it go..." I watched as the arrow hit the center of the target.


"You did it!" I grinned at him, who was still paralyze with shock. I laughed and playfully punched his arm, electricity jolted through my hand when it came in contact with his arm. "I knew you could do it," I whispered.

He shook his head. "I couldn't have done it without you." And just like that, time stopped. It felt like we were the only two people in this world. As I stared into his eyes, and he stared into mine, I couldn't help but think about how badly I wanted his soft lips to be in contact with mine.

I want him. No, I need him.

I slowly leaned in, and so did he. I'll take it as a good sign. Our faces were only an inch apart. 10 centimeters.. I could feel his breath on my face. 6 centimeters.. 3 centimeters.. 2 centimeters.. 1 centimeter..

Just when we were about to kiss, the bell rang signifying that it was time for dinner. We quickly pulled away and I awkwardly cleared my throat. "Okay, you guys did great. See you all tomorrow." I glanced at Nico who was already making his way to dinner.

"Bye, Sunshine," I whispered inaudibly. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and walked off. I could still feel his breath on my face.


A/N: Sorry for not updating sooner, I really wanted this chapter to be long. Thank you to some of you who voted for the first chapter, love you! <3 I'm sorry if it got crappy and rushed towards the end. The original plan was to update yesterday, but I had to get ready for this event at school which was actually pushed. Anyways, thanks guys. Tell me what you think about the chapter.

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