You Wanted Me To Play Sexy Santa// Chapter 13

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My eyes stared at the boy who was laying in front of me, staring up at me with wide eyes. "Nico?" He asked in a raspy, but hunky voice.

I stared at him for what seemed like forever before I sprung out of my chair and practically leaped outside. He's awake. He's actually awake.

I quickly found one of Will's siblings and told her that he was awake. Soon, a whole group of Apollo children were making their way to his room. I walked out of the infirmary, but my heart wouldn't stop pounding like crazy.

He was alive.

I let out the breath I didn't even realize I was holding in. I sighed as I looked around the deserted-looking camp. Most of the demigods had gone back to their ungodly families for the celebration of the new year. I, not having any family to go to, stayed here like usual. Of course, I could spend it with Hazel, but she most likely had plans with Frank and I didn't want to intrude.

I chew on my lower lip as I make my way into my cabin. I've had a pretty busy day, decorating the infirmary and all that. As I fall asleep, I can't help but think about Will. A small smile tugs onto my lips as I fall into a deep slumber.

"Daddies! Daddies! Wake up! It's Christmas!" I open my eyes to the sound of two squealing little girls. I grin once I realize that I'm back in my favorite dream.

"Alright, alright, we're going," Will mumbles in a husky, deep voice. He sits up and rubs his eyes. "Come on!" Annabella tugs at my arm desperately. I laugh and slowly make my way out of my bed. Once the two girls saw that I was up, they squealed happily and made their way downstairs. Will grinned at me and I grinned back, my heart doing a summersault from the way he was looking at me. Did I mention that this was my favorite dream?

As we made our way out of our room, Will suddenly grabbed my hand and stopped me. I frowned. "What's wrong?"

He pointed upward. Don't tell me the cheesiest thing that could happen on Christmas was happening. I looked up, and sure enough, it was happening. He smirked and pulled me close, gently pressing his forehead against mine. "We're under the mistletoe." We leaned close and kissed. It was a small kiss that didn't last more than two seconds, but it warmed my heart all over, even if it was just a dream.

"We better go. You know how impatient those two get." I laugh and nodded. We made our way downstairs and found the two little girls staring eagerly at the boat load of presents sitting under the tree.

"Look at what Santa brought!" Zoey squealed happily, her blonde curls bouncing along with her. I smiled softly. Yeah, Santa.

I knew that most of the presents under the tree were for Annabella since her birthday was yesterday, but every year, she decides to open them on Christmas so she gets double presents. And every year, Zoey complains that her sister always gets more which apparently proves her theory that Annabella is the favorite. We try to tell her that it's not true and that we don't have favorites because we love them equally, but she's stubborn. So Will and I try to get Zoey lots of presents, but Annabella always seems to get more since she not only has her birthday and Christmas present from us, but she also has her birthday and Christmas present from the family like her aunt Hazel, or Uncle Percy.

Will takes out his camera and gives the girls a thumbs up meaning that he's recording and they can start now. I watch as wrapping paper and ribbons get tossed up into the air as the two little ones search for the toys that they'll be obsessing with for a couple of days before they get tired with it and bug us for more.

After about 30 minutes of watching them squeal, Zoey complaining, Annabella comforting her sister by telling her that she could borrow her toys, Zoey saying the same thing back, Will and I exchanging gifts (and kisses when the girls weren't looking), it was all done. The girls ran off before coming back holding a large poster. The poster had pictures of our family together glued onto it with a bunch of words like, 'We love you, daddies.', 'Merry Christmas!', and much more. I knew Annabella had written it since the words were neat and Zoey was still learning how to spell her own name. Our daughters stood next to the poster, holding it shyly and looking down at their feet. Could they be any more adorable? "Do you like it?" Zoey asked quietly. "We couldn't buy anything for Christmas so we thought we could make a poster," Annabella said as she hid behind the large construction paper. The answer was yes, they get more adorable every second.

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