The Truth// Chapter 17

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"Nico, hurry up," Will called from downstairs. I sighed loudly. "I'm coming, I'm coming."

"Finally. You took a million years in there," he joked and nudged me playfully. I laughed and nudged him back.

"Well, you're engaged to a really slow person, I guess."

"Not only that, but also a bed hog."

I playfully glare at him. "I am not a bed hog!" I protest and pout a little. He does his best to keep his eyes on the road as he drives. We were currently on our way to go meet Hazel at the park. She still doesn't know that I'm gay. She never knew about Will and I. It's time I confess to her.

It was just a couple of months before the wedding, she deserved to know since she was going to be the maid of honor. The skeletal butterflies in my stomach refused to calm down, even though it wasn't like the wedding was next week.

"You are such a bed hog! You're constantly pushing me to the edge in your sleep, you kick and push a lot, and you mark your territory by drooling on everything!"

I felt my face go red from embarrassment as I tried to think of something back to say. "Oh yeah? Well, uh... You snore in your sleep!"

We both laughed quietly at my horrible attempt at a comeback. I wouldn't be able to come up with a good one if my life depended on it.

"Dear gods, Nico, that really hurt my feelings," he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and sighed loudly. "Yeah, whatever. Shut up already."

I stared out the window quietly. It was quiet in the moving vehicle for a few minutes before Will asked, "Have you ever tried to count the stars?"

I turned to him and raised an eyebrow. "Who would try to count the stars? It's pointless." He shook his head. "It's not. It's just impossible. Like trying to think of a number high enough to the equivalence of my love for you."

My face flushed red as I stared down at my lap. "Sei così scadente," I grumble quietly. My face only becomes redder as I realized that my Italian accent was strong as I said it.

Will was quiet before he quietly spoke. "What in the Hades did you just say?"

I bursted out laughing. "I said you're so cheesy."

He seemed to calm down, as if he thought that I had said something bad. He gently placed one hand on my thigh as he drove. It was only a while before we found ourselves in front of the park. "Ready?" Will asked softly.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

It's not like it mattered what happened. It's not like there could be a possibility that my only sister could hate me after this. I took several deep breaths to calm the nerves that were bubbling up in my stomach.

We found Hazel and Frank sitting on a picnic bench a few feet ahead of an orchid. "Hazel," I spoke softly. Her eyes lit up when she saw me. "Nico!" She said happily and pulled me into a hug. Of course she would be excited to see me, the last time we talked was after Will and I had broken up. I should've told her then.

"And you've brought a friend," she said cheerfully. I looked down at my feet. I couldn't look her in the eyes. Not with the news I was about to tell her.

"Hazel," I spoke slowly. "I need to tell you something. I called you here because... Well... I'm gay a-and I'm engaged to Will." I gestured toward my fiancé who had slipped his hand in mine. It calmed me down a little, but I suddenly felt like I was about to go into a panic attack.

It was quiet for a long and painfully slow time before I felt Hazel hug me. "Nico, why didn't you just tell me that earlier?"

"Because I thought you'd hate me..."

She gasped. "I could never. So, how long have you two been a thing?"

"A couple of years," Will answered that one for me. My sister gasped. "Nico! And you just told me now?!"

I gave her a sideways smile. "Oops?" I said. She rolled her eyes at me, but she still smiled happily.

"This calls for a toast," Frank said from the bench. I grinned.

"Sounds great."


A/N: Two chapters in a day, what what? This book is officially coming to an end. There will be a total of 20 chapters, maybe even 21, I don't know. Once this book is finished, what would you like me to write next? I'm planning on taking a small break on PJO/HOO fanfic and going into GMW but don't worry, I'll write more in the future. So comment and tell me what you thought on this chapter!


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