Chapter 15

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Here you guys go, my lovley fans :D Sorry, I said I was going to update this yesterday but I didn't have the time to... So here it is now! Not sure when I'll be able to get the next one up. 

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Fan! ------------->> 

and Enjoy~ 

Chapter 15

            James let out a loud growl and pulled me closer to him, as if by doing so he could make me invisible from Damon’s’ view. I, on the other hand, was more freaked out that he had been either in my house or outside my bedroom window. It freaked me out big time that he knew where I lived. And that he had somehow managed to get to my second story window.

            I hadn’t noticed I was crying, again, until James said, “Shh, its okay. He won’t lay a hand on you, I promise,” and he wiped some of my tears away.

            “He’s going to k-kill you, James,” I stuttered, “and then he’s going to come after me,” I was horrified, to say the least.

            James gave a dark chuckle. “He wouldn’t dare hurt you, Anna, and he sure won’t be getting a hold of you. As for me, I’m going to kill that little rat when I see him next,”

            My mom watched us silently with tears in her eyes. “James is right, he won’t hurt you, darling,” she said. She then scooted closer to me and wrapped her arms around me the best she could with James holding me as well.

            This is how my dad found us when he walked into the living room, a phone in his hand.

            We all looked at him expectantly. My dad sighed and sat down on the chair facing us. “I’ve asked the pack to help us out some. Alpha Porter said that he would send a few pack guards down and guard the place, day and night. He and the guards should be here in about an hour,” my dad said. “Oh, the Alpha is also bringing someone over to take the guy in the basement away and interrogate him,”

            Beside me, I felt James stiffen. He didn’t like his father, and I guess the feeling was mutual.

            “Also,” he continued, “Marcus called and said that they found Damien and to pass the message along. I have no clue what he’s talking about, but I think you should call him back, here,” he tossed me the phone.

            Deciding to wait and call him later, I set the phone down in my lap. “So now what?” I asked my voice hoarse from all of the crying.

            James rested his head on top of mine. “Your cousin is part of the Elite, right?” I nodded, unsure of where he was going with this. “Maybe we could ask him to come and track Damon for us? Isn’t that what they are trained for, kind of?”

            We all turned to stare at him. “What?” he asked un-easy under all of our eyes.

            “That’s brilliant,” my father said, “He is the best tracker they have, isn’t he? Anna, call him up, would you?”

            Nodding, I picked up the phone I left in my lap and called him.





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