Chapter 3

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This chapter is in James point of view, so I hope it turns out ok. I've never written in a guys POV before and especially not one for wolves... Well, I hope its long and please tell me what you think! Anyways, enjoy the chapter!!

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Chapter 3

--James’ POV--

I walked into the art room and was greeted by Mrs. Marcum, the art teacher. "Good morning, James." She said sweetly. I just nodded and sat down at my seat in the back that faced away from everyone.  It’s like that for a reason. I don’t want anyone else to find out what I am, and if that happened, well, I'd be screwed. 

I know people can’t tell just by looking at me, and especially because they all think its myths and fairy tales, but just in case.  The bell rang and people began trickling in, no one sitting near me like usual. Not that I don’t mind, of course. But why, I don’t know. Maybe I just look dangerous to them. Chatter filled the room as more people walked in. A couple of girls were talking about some new girl we're supposed to get today and a group talking quietly in the corner were also talking about a new girl. 

New girl? What’s so special about new people? I mean we meet new people practically everyday, you'd think people would be used to it. The tardy bell rang, interrupting my thoughts. A couple minutes passed and Mrs. Marcum had just finished attendance when someone knocked on the door. 

The teacher opened it and the most amazing scent in the world hit me like a ton of bricks. It smelled like vanilla and cinnamon, and some other scent I couldn’t even begin to describe. Whatever it was, it smelled amazing.

"Well hello! You must be Annabelle Smith," Mrs. Marcum said as the girl walked into the class room. "I'm Mrs. Marcum, the art teacher. You may sit wherever you like." 

I didn't watch, but the girl, Annabelle, must have nodded. She stood still for a moment and then decided on a seat. Something inside me was hoping she would sit at my table. Why? I don't know, and may never know. And guess what? She sat down at the table I sat at, right across from me. Why here? And why was I a little glad about that? 

I was snapped out of my thinking when a girl came by and passed out a couple papers to our table. Annabelle, who I am now going to call Anna, took a paper and started drawing. Crap! I missed the assignment! I groaned internally and took the other paper and looked at the front board. Sometimes she puts the assignment on the board, and to my luck she had it up there today. 

Draw one of your favorite memories, or whatever comes to mind, I read. I looked at the paper thoughtfully, trying to think of a memory. 

I wonder what Anna's drawing... I thought briefly. I should talk to her. Yes, I should definitely talk to her. Wait! Why do I want to talk to her? Why do I even want her to sit here? I could very easily make her move. I could just say the words and she would be gone. Being the son of an Alpha definitely has its good side. My father is the Alpha of theShadowValley pack and I was, and still am, the rightful heir to the pack because I'm the oldest. I have a younger brother, but that's nothing important now. 

"Hello," I said before I could change my mind. Should not have done that, definitely should not have done that.

Anna looked up slowly, seeming to be in a trance. "Uh...Hi," She said. "My name's Annabelle." Her voice sound soft and smooth. 

A lesson from my mom when I was six entered my thoughts at random. I had asked her what a mate was and she explained. She said that when you smelled them, it would be the most amazing scent in the world. When you heard their voice, it would sound like the sweetest music in the world and nothing could compare to it. When you looked in their eyes, it would just be you and them and nothing else would matter but her and that moment. Finally, when you touched them it would feel like you were just shocked, but it would be the most amazing feel. You would want to protect them, and do anything for them, be anything for them, and give them everything they could want.

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