Chapter 2

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HI everyone! I really hope you like my story, i've never really written one about wolves before. Oh and because im looking for an excuse to spemd ,y time holed up in my room drawing, i'm gonna put Anna's and Jay's wolves on here soon. Im not gonna show you what they look like as people becuase I want you to have your own image of them, so yeah. 

PLEASE vote and comment!!!! :)

Anyways, heres chapter 2. Enjoy!!

Chapter 2

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock beeping. I groaned and sat up, slamming my hand down on the off button. I got up out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to shower. When I was done I got out and with the towel wrapped around me, I blow dried my hair. When I was done I brushed my hair to get all the knots out, letting my shoulder length brown hair flow in front of my shoulders. Then I pulled out a black T-shirt with a random rainbow-y design on it, and pulled on some dark blue jeans and my tennis shoes and went to grab my book bag with all the school stuff the little info paper said I would need. 

I was about to start my car when the realization of actually going to high school settled in on me. I was suddenly nervous, and I also realized I didn’t have a clue who the other wolves were or how many there are at the high school. I sucked in a shaky breath and started my car, pulling out of the driveway and onto to road, on my way to the high school.

After getting lost a couple of times it was now 8:31 and we were supposed to be in class at 8:30. Great. First day of school and I’m late. Oh well, I hope I get off easy. I quickly hopped out of the car and locked it, the practically ran to the entrance to the school. I found my way to the office and went to the front desk. 

The lady working there and looked up smiling. "Hello, you must be Annabelle Smith, correct?" I nodded. "Great. I'll get your schedule and locker combination for you. Oh, and you'll need a pass." She said as she shuffled through a drawer. She pulled out a folder and took a paper from it and a small key and handed it to me. I took it then she wrote out a late pass for me.

"Thank you," I said to her.

She smiled, "Your welcome, have a nice day and good luck." 

I walked out of the office and went in search of my locker which was number 571. When I found it I unlocked it and put my book bag in and then looked at my schedule. First period was Art, Second was Algebra, then Biology, Lunch is fourth, History is fifth, sixth is English and Spanish is last. I folded up the paper and stuck it in my pocket for later use and took out my Art binder and a pencil from my locker. 

I found my way to the art room and knocked on the door after finding out it was locked. The art teacher let me in and I handed her the pass I have. 

"Well hello! You must be Annabelle Smith," She said smiling. "I'm Mrs. Marcum, the art teacher. You can go sit where ever you like." 

I smiled and said thanks then looked around the room for a seat. Most if the tables were full so I chose an empty one in the back. Well, almost empty. There was a guy sitting there with his back to the classroom. I walked over there and sat at the far corner from him. 

He had dark brown hair and looked very strong and a little dangerous. Suddenly I had the urge to talk to him, and was about to say hi when Mrs. Marcum announced an assignment for class today. 

"Ok class. Today I want everyone to draw whatever comes to mind. A favorite memory, a place you went to once, anything you like." She said, "Hailey, will you pass out the drawing papers?"

I watched as Hailey got up and took the papers, handing them out to the tables. When she got to my table I muttered thanks, but she wouldn't be able to hear. "Your welcome," She said and then walked away. I looked up, surprised. She must be a wolf. I wonder how many there are in this school... I sniffed once, trying to smell for other wolves. Just Hailey and... The guy across from me? Interesting.

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