5- <he's pure>

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"Jungkook move that satans dog away from me!" Hoseok was screaming.

"Hah, Troye can read people." I laughed while walking behind him. Because he was speed walking while Troye was trying to bite his ass

"What?" he turn around.

"He likes Jimin."

He frowned. I smiled at him and saw a bench for us to sit.

"Troye catch!" I throw a stick and he happily run after him.

"I wanna meet that Jimin." I glanced at Hoseok and shrugged.

"I don't know. He barelly go outside. I even think his brothers lock him up in their apartment." and now when I think about it I got more curious. I really wanna know whats happening.

'No way!" he said.

"I will find out, don't worry. " we look at eachother and I smirked at him. Hoseok mouthed an 'oh'.

"You're so evil." he laughed.

"Don't worry, it's not like he's gonna fall for me. He act like a 5 year old."

" If you watch more porn you might learn something and after you two have sex, he'll deffo fall for you."

"Shut up you thirsty idiot!"


"Hello." I waved at Jin. Yeah, I decided to visit them and kinda catch up with situation. "I am really bored and I wanted to hang out with you guys."

He frowned and looked back at his apartment like he's making sure there is nothing wrong there. "Come in. I would love to keep you company."

He screamed when I walked inside with Troye. I smiled and pulled the pittbull closer to me. "Don't worry he only bite bad people."

At that he just laughed nervously.

He made me coffee and gave me his home made cookies. They were delicous. After maybe 15 minutes of casual talking I heard a noise.

"Is anyone else in here?"

"Oh, yeah Yoongi and Jimin. They were sleeping. Anyway what do you do in free time?" he asked while staring down at Troye who started to be nervous.

In that moment I heard doors slaming and looked aroun to see that Jimin barged in living room in his Mickey mouse pijamas and cute messy hair.
He looked really shocked to see me here.

His lips were weirdly red and more plump then usual. Ican swear he looked like he just sucked...


'Oh Jimin." I smiled st him and motioned him to sit with us.

Troye was already jumping and licking Jimin's face. That made Jimin to giggle like s little girl.

"I can't." he looked up at us and he stand up with his head down. "I'll take a shower and I need to get ready for my job."

I stayed quiet just watching him walking away in really slow motion.

"So, where were we?" Jin continued like nothing happened.

"Is Yoongi in there?" I asked and Jin just shook his head eagerly.

"Why do you ask?"

"Nevermind." I smiled.

I talked a little bit just to find out that Jin nor Yoongi didn't had a job. That leaves only Jimin who brings money in this house.


"Oh, I work as part time model and Yoongi is writing songs."

"Mhm. I really need to go, Troye probablly need to pee." I stand up and bowed politely before walking out.


This is totally stalker style. I tought to myself while following Jimin all the way to his job.

After few moments I walked inside only to see Jimin laughing with some guy.

"Jimin?" I acted surprised and walked cloer to him. "You work here? That's cool."

He blushed and looked down. Other guy saw it and decided to took my order.

Jimin ignored me all the time I was there. I saw he's really hardworking and favourite between costumers. He was so nice to everyone.

He had his smile on, but I noticed when he turn around he lost it. And my heart hurt because he only had that happy mask.


Jimin walked outside the fast food waiting for that other guy to lock it.

That idiot hugged him and they walked together few meters before they took different ways home.

And Jimin was walking my way. I sat down on the wall next to the way and just stared at him. He noticed me and looked down trying to avoid my gaze.

"Hey Jimin." I called after him.

He looked up and flashed me his smile. "Hi."

I jump down from the wall and walked to him. He looked at his hands shyly. He flinched when I touched his shoulder. It wasn't hard to notice the burns and bruises on him.

"Can we walk together?'

" Why are you here?". He asked.

"I wanted to talk to you."

Jimin looked at me and I can see he's gonna panic any minute. "I need to go."

"Jimin, I know what's going on."

He stopped and turn back only to look at me with teary eyes. "You know nothing!" he shouted and wiped his tears with his sleeve.

I nodded and walked slowly to him.
"I know your brothers are using you..."

"N-no." he sobbed.

"I know Yoongi like to..."

"NO!" he covered his ears and shut his eyes close. "Don't tell anyone."

I hesittanted but decided to hug him. He was so warm, his hair was soft, he felt so small in my arms. "Please stop shaking, I wanna help you."

He blinked few times before looking up at me and moving away from my embrance. "Even after all you know. Am I not dissggusting to you?"

I tought for a moment. He's not dissggusting, he's just interesting.

"No, I think you deserve help."

He shook his head. "They will find out and hurt us."

"They don't have to know. Ask me anything and I will do it."

"I need your phone. There is someone I need to hear."


Sorry for all the mistakes and late update. I wrote it half in bus half at home.

Now I'm gonna take s nap.

Now I'm gonna take s nap

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