4 - <he is an angel>

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Hyung didn't even left my bed. He was angry but he showed that by never leaving my side, touching me, whispering dirty things, doing dirty things to me.

I never knew I hated it so much until this morning. I woke up and he was there, naked. Just the tought about what he did to me made me sick.

I run to the bathroom falling on my knees in front of the toilet and almost puking my soul out.

That was wrong. Yoongi was my step brother for 8 years. We grow up together, he was always hatefull towards me. Even more then Jin hyung.

My mom told me that's because he loves me too much.

I was even too weak to stand up now. I didn't even want to stand up. I just moved back to the wall and sat there with my knees to my chest crying silently.

"Yoongi is wrong. Yoongi is sick."

I hear them talking and burried my head in my knees. I feel like I can't breathe. I don't belong here.


I stand up and took the towel to hide myself.

"Can't you even answer me? Are you suddenly mute?"

I shook my head and looked down, too scared to look at him. He took me by my wrist and pulled my body to his.

"Hyung!" I sobbed but he hugged me around my waist pulling me closer, our bodies connected.

He started grinding and I used all my strenght to push him away.

"You didn't just....?"

I blinked surprised by my action too. It didn't took long for him to made his way to me pulling me by my hair and throwing me at the door with full strenght.

I winced at the pain and crawled closer to the corner watching his every move.

"Just the position I wanted you to be." he looked down at me with dissgusting smirk.

"No!" I cried . "Hyung leave me alone." i begged and closed my eyes trying to imagine if this was all just a dream.

After few moment nothing happened. I opened my eyes and looked around the room, Yoongi was no where to be seen.

"Minnie?" he called from the bedroom. "Come here." he called again.

I stepped in the room and saw him on the bed with cigarrete in his mouth.

"Go lock the doors."

As I did so I was told to sit on the bed.

"You didn't act the way you should to your hyung ." he started as he moved closer to me.

"I'm sorry."

He took my hand and traced his finger over my skin.

"I can't let that happen again." he took the cigarete and out it slowly on my skin burning it.

"Agh!" I screamed trying to move my arm away.

"You were a little slut chatting with unknown man on internet. He said calmly whipe making another burn but this time on my collarbone. I bit my lip so hard it started bleeding.

" Yoongi I beg you!" I screamed not being able to stand it.

He did few more before letting go of me.

I cried.....

And cried.....

It didn't hurt as much as my heart did.

Jikook ¤¤ M. BoyWhere stories live. Discover now