Chapter 30: Birthday Surprises

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Chapter 30: Birthday Surprises

Demi's P.O.V

"Can you tell me where we are going now Mummy?" Aimee asked as she skipped beside me. I chuckled as I shook my head.

"What about now?" Aimee asked one second later. I shook my head again as we reached the entrance to the studio where I worked. Aimee pouted at me as I opened the door.

"If I told you. It wouldn't be a surprise would it?" I reminded her as the person at the reception desk waved at me. Her name was Hannah and she was awesome

"Hey Demi. Studio five is free. I made sure I reserved it for you." I thanked her before I went towards the studio I normally was in when I was working on new music.

"Why are we going to a studio?" Aimee asked.

"Would you like to see where I work?" I asked. Aimee nodded her head as she jumped up and down. Paul and Natalie were waiting for us in the studio. Paul and Natalie both high fived Aimee as she went towards them.

"My goodness you have grown!" Paul pretended to act shocked. "Soon you will be as tall as me!" Paul continued as Aimee laughed.

"Everything is set up Demi." Natalie informed me before she went out of the room. I looked at Paul confused, and Paul just shrugged his shoulders back at me.

"I'm just going to get a drink. Would you like anything?" He asked. I shook my head at him before I knelt down to Aimee's level.

"Would you like to do some recording Aimee?" I asked her. Aimee's eyes lit up as she nodded her head enthusiastically

"Let's go then!" I chuckled as Aimee ran into the recording both. I grabbed the guitar and noticed the mic had been set to Aimee's level. She was talking into it as I sat down and got comfortable before I said anything.

"What song Aimee?" I asked her as soon as I was ready.

Aimee thought for a moment. "Problem Child." She replied to me. Aimee looked at me in a way that I couldn't quiet understand. I didn't know the words but I knew the chords to the song so I started playing it.

Here we are again.

Awake at five am.

Didn't mean a word I said.

Can we just pretend I can take it back?

Change the way the story ends?

I remember when,

Things were simple dad.

Didn't always hurt this way.

I would fall asleep, you would carry me

You would take my fears away.

Am I messed up?

Forever flawed?

Beyond repair but forever yours?

All my life,

All I ever did was try and try.

I never meant to be a problem child.

Your problem child.

I don't know why,

I always found a way to make you cry

I never meant to be a problem child.

Your problem child.

When you look at me,

I wonder if you see,

All the things you thought I could be.

Or all the crazy nights.

All the stupid fights.

All the tears that filled our eyes.

Am I messed up?

Forever flawed?

Beyond repair,

But forever yours?

All my life all I ever did was try and try

I never meant to be a problem child.

Your problem child.

I don't know why,

I always found a way to make you cry.

I never meant to be a problem child.

Your problem child.

I stopped playing a second later and looked at my five year old daughter. She looked at me a second later. "Aimee are you trying to tell me something?" I asked her. She shook her head until I gave her a firm look.

"I feel like I'm a problem to you and dad because of my sensory issues." Aimee mumbled. Before I could say anything Paul came back into the recording studio.

"I thought Aimee was meant to be singing Demi," He chuckled as he sat down.

"She was." I told him in a confused tone

Paul nearly spat his coffee out. "That was Aimee?" He asked two minutes later

"Yep." I replied to him as he looked at my five year old.

"Bloody hell Demi. You need to get her into preforming. Disney are looking for a girl around Aimee's age for a new film they are going to be recording. You should get Aimee to audition." Paul continued. Aimee's eyes lit up as she looked at me.

"Can I mummy? Can I please?" She asked

I hesitated a second later. "As long as it's okay with daddy and it's something you want to do not something you think I want you to do." Aimee shook her head at me.

"I want to Mummy. But under one condition if Daddy says yes." Aimee added.

"And what's that?" I asked her.

"Elizabeth gets to audition as well." She said.

Authors note:


Do you think Alex will let Aimee go and audition?

Do you think Demi really likes the idea?

How do you think their family will react?

(P.S Dianna will make another appearance in the next couple of chapters.)

Also there will be some moments between Elizabeth and Aimee also I think I might have Alex and Aimee have a moment because they haven't had one...I don't know.

But I'll think I'll end this here so don't forget to:



And I'll see you guys soon ❤️

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