Chapter 22: Sensory Overload

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Chapter 22: Sensory overload

Aimee's P.O.V

"Aimee. Mum says you have to go downstairs now. Your guests will be arriving soon." Mac told me as she came into my room. Elizabeth was already downstairs with her best friend, Lily who had slept over the night before.

"Why do I have to do this? I hate parties." I asked Mac as I fiddled with the hem of my dress. My mother insisted on me wearing a dress to the party.

"Because it's your birthday next week and Mum and dad wanted to throw you and Elizabeth a party." Mac told me as she held me straighten the hem of my dress.

There was a knock at the front door a second later. "Aimee. Mac. Come down stairs please. People are arriving." Mum called up as she went towards the front door. She opened it a second later and voices filled the house

"Correction. Elizabeth wanted a party and I had to go along with it because I'm the younger one." I corrected her as I heard someone coming up the stairs. You know how sometimes with twins there's the outgoing and the shy twin? Well I'm the shy one and Elizabeth is the out going one.

Uncle Sebs knocked on my bedroom door a second later. He looked at me before he came towards me and bowed. "You look like a princess Aimee." He told me.

"I look like an idiot." I replied to him as I looked down at my frilly pink dress. That's another difference between me and Elizabeth. She's really girly and I'm not.

Uncle Sebs laughed at my reaction as I crossed my arms. "If it makes you feel better Aimee I have to wear a dress like yours as well." Mac told me.

"Is yours bright pink?" I asked her a second later. She shook her head at me.

"Then no. It doesn't make me feel better." I replied to her as mum called up the stairs again.

"Aimee and Mackenzie come downstairs now. Everyone has arrived." She told us.

Uncle Sebastien lifted me into his arms and carried me out of the room with Mac following from behind. Elizabeth was jumping around with all her friends in her dress, laughing and having fun. She was wearing a bright pink tiara on her head and even had a little bit of make up on her face.

Mum came towards me. "Finally Aimee. What took you so long?" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders as Uncle Sebastien placed me on the floor.  Mum came towards me with a tiara and placed it on my head. It was there for a second before I took it off my head. Mum sighed a second later.

"Mum. Do I have to wear this?" I asked her.

"Aimee it's the whole damn point. Your sister is wearing hers." Mum replied to me as she placed it back on my head. She smoothed out my dress before she stood up. I undid what my mum did a second later as the scratchy material touched my skin.

"Aimee. Do you have to be such a pain?" My mum asked as she fixed it again.

"Now just leave it like that and go and have fun." She told me as she gently pushed me towards the front room where everyone was running around and having fun.

I sat in the corner and watched everyone swooning over Elizabeth. That is probably the hardest thing about having a twin like Elizabeth everyone wanted to be her friend and paid no attention to me. Even my mum sometimes forgets that me and Elizabeth are different people and we don't like the same thing. For example, she didn't even ask me what I wanted to do for my birthday she just went along with Elizabeth's suggestion.

"Aimee. Why aren't you joining in?" Dad asked as he came towards me

I shrugged my shoulders. "Too crowded I guess." I replied to him as I looked at the floor.

"Well we're about tot play some party games so why don't you sit with your sister in a minute?" Dad suggested. I nodded my head at him and went to sit next to Elizabeth as dad told everyone to sit in a circle. But as soon as I went towards Elizabeth she pulled on the hand of someone else and they took my sit. I sat down on my own as I tried to swallow the massive lump in my throat.

We started to play party games like duck, duck goose and other games similar to that. Everything was okay until Mum came into the room and insisted on having a mini disco with flashing lights. I mentally freaked out as she turned the lights and the music on. The lights repeatedly flashed in my face as I covered my ears to tune the music out. The music was too loud. The lights were way too bright and the room was way too crowded.

I couldn't breathe. Or at least it felt like that. I moved my legs so they were pressed against my chest and started to rock myself back and forth as I kept my hands over my ears. Everything echoed inside my head as I started shaking from everything. Someone started to come towards me as they spoke to me. The lights were so bright in my eyes I couldn't make out who it was. I stood up and started backing away from them a second later. Everyone was talking over the music as I covered my ears and screamed before I tripped over the hem of my dress and accidentally knocked the table cloth of the table, making all the food fall of the floor and spill everywhere. The music stopped and the lights were finally turned off as my mum came towards me with an angry expression on her face.

Elizabeth started fake crying a second later. "You've ruined everything Aimee." She said before she ran out of the room and up the stairs to her room.

Dad came towards me and helped me to my feet a second later. "Look at what you did Aimee. You made your sister cry." Mum told me before she asked for some help cleaning everything up off the floor. I looked down at the ground.

"Why do you have to be so frustrating Aimee? Can't you just try and fit in for once?" She continued to yell at me. Tears fell down my face as dad lifted me into his arms and carried me out of the room to get changed.

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