Chapter 21: Just another boy

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Chapter 21: Just A Boy?

Demi's P.O.V

I heard Mackenzie shouting as both her and Alex went towards the stairs. "He's just a boy dad! He's just a friend!" Mac insisted.

"Well then you will have no problem with me background checking him then will you Mac?" Alex asked her as he came down the stairs a few minutes later,

"Dad. Just give me my laptop." Mac said

"No. If I can't trust you to tell me about things then you can't have your laptop in your room." Alex replied to Mac as he came into the front room with Mac right behind him.

"You wonder why I don't tell you things but when I do you react like this! What reason do you have to background search a thirteen year old dad? She asked.

"He might be working for your mum?" I heard Alex say but it sounded more like a question.

"My mum is more than likely dead." She reminded him.

"We don't know. Her body was never found." Alex pointed out a second later

"Don't you think you are over reacting just a little bit Alex?" I asked him as I went towards him. I took the laptop from his hands.

"You can have your laptop upstairs as long as you tell us if anything happens between you and this boy Mac." I told her.

Alex glared at me as Mackenzie skipped out of the room. "Wow you've got it bad Alex." David chuckled as he looked away from the game him and Aimee were playing together. Alex looked at his brother confused before Alex replied

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked.

"The jealousy is clear in your eyes." He responded.

"I'm not jealous." Alex insisted a second later.

"So you would be totally okay with Mac dating?" I asked him. Alex's face hardened.

"Dating? Who said anything about dating? Mac is way too young to be going out with some stupid boy." Me and David started laughing one second later

"You've got it bad Alex." I teased him as I made my way into the kitchen. Alex folded his arms.

"I'm not jealous!" He protested as he followed me into the room. I turned around.

"It's okay Alex. Every dad goes through this with their little girl." I reassured him.

"I'm not jealous!" Alex yelled at me before he stormed out of the room, I couldn't help but laugh at Alex's reaction.

"Dude. Just admit it. You don't want Mac to grow up and leave you." David said.


"Dude calm down. He's just a boy that Mac's talking to. He's not her boyfriend or anything..." Sebs told Alex.

"Yet." David added a few seconds later

"My little girl is not going out with anyone at thirteen years old. I'm not jealous and I'm not afraid. I just don't want her to get her heart broken by some arsehole at thirteen years old." He explained.

"Alex just admit it. You are scared of losing Mac." David told him as Aimee climbed onto David's lap and snuggled into him.

"Of course I'm scared of losing Mac but I'm not scared or jealous of a thirteen year old."

I raised my eyebrows. "You're being as convincing as Aimee was that time she said she didn't have any cake but had it all over her mouth."

"Okay Demi because you seem to have forgotten we lost one of our daughters to a similar situation and it claimed her life. What makes you think that this boy isn't the same?" Alex asked as he raised his eyebrows.

"If you take Mackenzie's laptop off her and treat her like a little kid she's not going to tell you about these things. You have to trust that Mackenzie knows what she is doing." I explained to him a second later.

"Plus Mac isn't Sophie." David added a second later.

"Just trust her on this one. Mackenzie isn't going to meet up with someone after you've told her not to, she's too scared of letting you down." I continued

"Okay but if he hurts her I'm the one who gets to break his legs and throw him into a pit of burning fire." Alex told both of us.

"If he hurts her, he's going to have to stay away from multiple people and hope none of us can track down where he is." David reassured him. "But if you get the legs can I break his arms?" He asked.

Mackenzie came into the room a second later. "Who's breaking who's arms and legs."

"Make that three people." Sebastien said to us.

"Me four." Aimee called out, she didn't know what we were talking about. She just didn't want to be left out in our talk

Mackenzie looked at us. "And this is my family. People who plan to kill people if someone gets hurt." She shook her head at us before she went out of the room.

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