Chapter 25: I'm always here

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Chapter 25: I'm always here

Demi's P.O.V

Guilt was growing inside of me. How could I hate something that made Aimee who she was? What kind of mother was I to wish that I could have one day of normal? How could I love and hate my own child at the same time? The whole thing confused me and made me hate myself.

"Mummy?" Elizabeth asked as she sat beside me.

"When is Aimee coming home? I miss her." Elizabeth continued as she looked at me with her innocent eyes. I turned to look at her.

"I don't know honey. She's with Uncle David and Uncle Sebastien at the moment." I explained to her as I tucked a lose strand of hair behind her left ear

"Why? Why can't she live here! Does she hate me because I have been so mean to her?" Elizabeth asked worriedly. "I didn't want her to hate me. I just didn't want to feel forgotten about." She said to me.

"You feel forgotten about? Honey why didn't you say something?" I asked Lizzy

"Because I didn't want to make you angry with me." She replied as her eyes filled up with tears. My heart broke into a million different pieces as a tear rolled down her cheek. I wiped it away before I pulled her on my lap and wrapped my arms around her. Elizabeth snuggled into me.

"I didn't know any other way of getting your attention. I didn't like being mean to Aimee. She's my sister and I miss her so much. I want her back mummy." She whispered.

I felt even worse then I did before. My mum was right, even when I tried my hardest I still messed up. I mean my own daughter was taken away from me and another one was killed. Elizabeth felt like she was being ignored and forgotten about and everything felt like it was my fault.

I loved my children, including Mac who wasn't biologically mine but I still thought of her as my own. I wanted to give them the life they deserved but all I seemed to do was make everything a thousand times worse. My own kid tried to run away more than once and hurt herself without me knowing, I felt horrible.

Alex came into the room a minute later to take Elizabeth to her dance class. She jumped off my lap and went to get her shoes and coat on. Alex cleared his throat a second later. "Dallas should be here in a couple of minutes." He told me.

I looked at him confused. Me and Alex had been arguing non stop since Aimee left a few weeks ago. "Did you really think I was going to leave you on your own in this state? That's just asking for something to happen." Alex continued as he came towards me. I stood up and wrapped my arms around him. I pulled away from him as Elizabeth came in with her shoes on.

Dallas arrived as Alex and Elizabeth left the house. She came towards me and pulled me into a hug. Her arms felt so safe and warm wrapped around my body and I couldn't fight the tears that had been threatening to spill since Aimee left.

"Hey. Sh. It's going to be okay." Dallas cooed in my ear as she rubbed her hand up and down my back. It felt good to be able to cry and not risk any of my kids see it. I didn't want to cause anymore issues then I already had. I pulled away from her and she wiped my tears from my eyes.

"This is all my fault. Aimee hates me and Elizabeth just told me that she felt like she was forgotten about and not paid attention to. Mackenzie is really pissed off at me and Alex and I keep fighting and everything is just falling apart." I cried.

"First of all teenagers get annoyed with their parents, that's normal. Second of all Aimee doesn't hate you. She just wants to be understood and as for Elizabeth she's five. She's going to feel like that and even more because her sisters have special needs Dems." Dallas explained.

"I'm such a bad mother." I whispered as we went to sit on the couch. Dallas smiled at me.

"No. No your not. You just find things difficult. But you and Alex don't have to deal with this on your own. I'd be happy to have the girls every so often so you can have a break. I'm sure Alex's parents and brother and his boyfriend would be happy to help as well. We are right here Dems. You and Alex aren't alone. If you need me I'm always a phone call away you should know that."

"But I feel like a failure if I need help." I admitted to her.

"But you are not. Everyone needs help sometimes and by asking for help you are being the best mother you can be to your kids. You love your kids and I know that but we all need a break sometimes Demi." Dallas told me.

"Okay thanks Dallas." I replied.

"It's what I'm here for and don't believe what mum said to you. You are the best mother those kids could have. Yes, you fuck up sometimes and you make mistakes but we all do. No one is perfect and you are the strongest person I know Dems."

Authors note:

Another update!

So some questions:

1) Ideas for something Aimee could be really good at?

Also I will more than likely be ending this series soon. (I'll write a few more chapters though.) so yeah,

Don't forget to vote coment and I'll see you soon


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