Chapter 19: Uncles and Talks

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Chapter 19: Pancakes

Aimee Grace's P.O.V

I woke up early the next day and ran into Uncle David's and Sebastien's room a few minutes later. I climbed on top of the bed before I started shaking Uncle David awake. "Uncle David." I said as quietly as I could so I didn't wake Sebs up.

"Aimee go back to sleep. It's not time to get up yet." Uncle David mumbled underneath his breath as he rolled over so he could see me. I pouted as he looked at me.

"But you said you would make pancakes with me." I reminded him as I climbed on top of him. Uncle David looked up at me a second later as Sebastien yawned next to us.

"Why is Aimee sitting on top of you?" I heard Sebastien ask, His voice was full of sleep. "You aren't planning anything are you?" He asked.

"We are going to make pancakes!" I cheered as I looked at Uncle Sebastien who looked at Uncle David with his eyebrows raised.

"Do you really think that's such a good idea? Don't you remember what happened last time?" Sebastien asked him.

"Hey! That was a year ago I'll have you know!" Uncle David protested making me laugh.

"You nearly set our house on fire last week David." Uncle Sebastien said as he pulled me off of him and wrapped his arms around me.

"That was last week." Uncle David replied,

"Yeah and yesterday morning you some how managed to burn a piece of toast in the toaster." Uncle Sebastien started to laugh as Uncle David frowned and stuck his tongue out.

"Did he really burn some toast Uncle Sebs?" I asked as I looked up at him a second later.

"No I totally meant for it to go black. I happen to like black toast." David said to us

"Yeah. Sure. That's why you spent the next two hours complaining about burnt toast." Uncle Sebs replied before he sat up.

I started laughing. "If it makes you feel better mum burnt the bloody dinner the other day. She had to order Chinese instead."

"Now I really want Chinese food." Uncle David trailed off.

"We don't have any Chinese food." I told him.

Uncle David pouted before he sat up next to me. "But do you know what we do have if you make them?" I asked him

"Let me guess pancakes?" Uncle David chuckled.

"Ding ding we have a winner." I said making Uncle David and Uncle Sebastien laugh.

"Well how about I make pancakes with you and Uncle David watches from a safe distance so he doesn't burn any of the pancakes." Uncle Sebastien suggested to me

"Or Uncle David stays here and gets more sleep." Uncle David suggested as he laid back down and snuggled into the covers.

"Shall we get Mac and Elizabeth?" He asked me.

I nodded my head. It still felt strange that Sophie wasn't included but I was starting to get used to it and no one really talked about her anyway.

"Let's go then." Uncle Sebastien said as he got out of bed and held his hand out. I took it as we went out of the room and into the hall way. I knocked on to Mac's door.

"MACKENZIE WAKE UP! WE ARE MAKING PANCAKES!" I screamed as I ran towards her.

Mackenzie sat up in her bed straight away. "Did someone say pancakes? Are they Uncle Sebastien's pancakes?" She asked.

Mackenzie jumped out of bed and sprinted towards the door. Every time we have Uncle David and Sebastien to stay, we always have pancakes for breakfast the first and last morning they are here,

Elizabeth came out of her bedroom with Uncle Sebs and we all headed down the stairs and into the kitchen. Mac and Elizabeth went to get everyone's orders while I stayed in the kitchen with Uncle Sebs.

"Do you want to try some?" He asked as he put his finger in the batter. I shook my head.

"It's too..." I started but stopped, not wanting him to think I'm a freak or crazy

"It's too?" He asked a second later.

"I-It doesn't matter." I stuttered as I looked away from him. Uncle Sebastien lifted me onto the counter and looked at me.

"Of course it does. Now what were you going to tell me?" He asked me a second later.

"Too slimy." I whispered as I looked down at the floor.

Sebastien lifted my chin up with his finger. "Then that's okay. You don't have to try some." He told me as he looked at me.

"I don't? Don't you think I'm weird like my Nana does?" I asked him a little bit confused.

"Listen to me Aimee. I don't care what you have, if you are tall or short. If you have short hair or if you have long hair or what clothes you wear. I want you to be comfortable around me. I want you to be yourself around me. So whether it's too cold or too hot. Too slimy or too thick. Too itchy or too scratchy. You don't have to hide your sensory issues from me, because I love you the way you are." He told me before he lifted me into his arms.

"I love you too Uncle Sebastien." I said to him.

Authors Note:

So I said Alex's side of the family will be more accepting so I made this little moment between Aimee and her uncle.

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