Chapter 27: Same Boat

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Chapter 27: The Same Boat

Demi's P.O.V

"Alex please can I take the girls out for ice cream?" David begged as Alex came down from putting Aimee and Elizabeth to bed.

Alex laughed. "You were the one who taught my five year old to swear." Alex reminded him as he went to get a drink of water.

"But...I..." David trailed off as Alex turned around and took a sip of his drink before raising his eyebrows at his older brother.

"But nothing. What crossed your mind that it would be okay to teach Aimee to swear?" Alex asked him one second later

"The fact that Demi swears like a drunk sailor?" Sebastien asked as he sat down next to me. I elbowed him in the ribs as I looked at him.

"What?" He asked me as he rubbed his side.

"I do not fucking swear in front of my kids!" I replied to him. David and Alex burst out laughing as Sebastien raised his eyebrows at me.

"Has everyone forgotten that I'm in the room?" Mac asked a minute later. I looked at her as soon as Mac spoke up and looked at her confused for a second

"What has that got to do with anything Mac?" I asked

"She's one of your kids isn't she?" David asked.

"Yes but she's a teenager. She listens to music with swear words in." I told David

"Not all of them. Simple Plan don't swear in their songs very often." Mac responded.

"You listen to Simple Plan?" Sebastien asked.

"Yeah and so does Aimee. She loves listening to your songs. It makes her feel understood." Mac replied to him as she sat beside me.

"Okay well I think it's time for bed Mackenzie." Alex told her a minute later

Mac got up and said goodnight to everyone before she headed upstairs to the bedroom she was staying in for the week.

There was silence in the room until Alex broke it. "How was Aimee while you had her?" Alex asked.

"She was really good." Sebastien replied.

"Does she hate us?" I asked as I stood up

"No. She could never hate you. She just wants to be loved and accepted for who she is, like any other child." David said to me.

"We try. Sometimes we just don't know how to help her. One minute she's fine and the next minute she's in the corner rocking back and forth. It's like being a roll coaster that you can never get off of."

"Don't you think this is just as confusing for her?" Sebastien asked as he got up to get a drink.

"And you aren't the only one who's on this roll coaster either. We are all in the same boat trying to figure everything out."

"Why don't you talk to her and ask her what helps? Also, there's places where you can go as a family to get a better understanding of everything." David suggested.

"Also we'd be happy to have the girls for a weekend on their own once a month and rotate it." Sebastien said a minute later.

Dallas came downstairs as Sebastien finished speaking. "Dems you have to see the reactions to Aimee's video. It's really funny." Dallas told me as she came towards me.

"Why did you even put it up on social media? People are now going to think that I'm even more of a shit mother to my kids." I replied to her as I got up off the couch.

"Demi chill out its just a video." Dallas laughed.

"And you aren't a shit mother. You are doing the best you can." Sebs added a second later.

"You had to take my kid away from me for me to realise that my other kid feels left out and the only way she thinks she can get my attention is to bully her little sister. Mac had to tell me that Elizabeth was acting mean to her sister. What kind of good mother doesn't see that?" I asked.

"One that's under a lot of stress because they are trying to deal with everything on their own. Which you shouldn't and you don't have to deal with it on your own. We are here use us Dems." Dallas told me.

"I told you we would be happy to have the girls once a month. Maybe we could rotate it so each of the girls has time with us on their own." Sebs suggested to me.

"And I'll be happy to have the other one so you can spend some quality time with whoever is with you." Dallas continued a second later.

We stayed up for another two hours to plan everything before we all went to bed. It made me feel a lot less stressed now, I had spoken to everyone about it and the next thing I had to do was say sorry to Aimee.

Authors Note:

What do you guys think Demi and Aimee should do together in the next chapter?

Also I've decided to carry on with this book because I still have tons of ideas for this book and Alex still has to propose to Demi at some point.

Also ideas for some Elizabeth and Aimee moments (that aren't mean or horrible.)

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