Chapter 14: Saying Goodbye

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Chapter 14 – Saying Goodbye

Mac's P.O.V

I woke up shaking in bed. I stared into the distance until the fog cleared from my mind. I then scrambled out of bed a second later. "Sophie?" I yelled out as I ran out of my bedroom and into the hall

I ran down the hallway like a mad person shouting Sophie's name. She couldn't be dead. She just couldn't be. I heard mum and dad running up the stairs a few minutes later.

"Where's Sophie?" I screamed at them a second later. They looked at each other before they looked at me with sadness in their eyes. I started shaking my head at them.

"No. She's not dead. She can't be dead." I stumbled slightly but regained my balance.

"Mac..." Mum started as she came to me

"NO!" I screamed as I moved away from her. Mum grabbed hold of me and pulled me towards her. I tried to move away but she held me firmly in her warm arms

I stopped fighting later and broke down in her arms. Mum rubbed her hands up and down my back as I cried into her t shirt.

"We were supposed to be best friends forever." I sobbed as Aimee came out of her bedroom. She rubbed her eyes sleepily before she looked at us a second later.

"What's going on?" She asked her voice full of sleep.

"Aimee just go back to sleep honey. I'll explain in the morning." Mum said to her.

"Sophie's died." I blurted out. Mum and dad looked at me as Aimee's lip started to quiver.

"Mummy?" Aimee asked as tears fell down her face.

"Way to go Mac." Mum said sarcastically

"Mum has Sophie really died?" Aimee asked

"She's in a better place now honey and she's with Minnie." Mum explained to her

Minnie was what we called the baby mum lost back when I was five years old

"But I want her here with me." Aimee pouted.

"I know but it was her time. God needed her for something special." Mum said to her.

"But I need her here with me!" I yelled

"I know but God needed her more Mac and Sophie's watching over us." Mum reminded me.

"But I want to see her." Mum pulled me and Aimee into her arms. Dad joined the hug a few minutes later. We held each other close as time ticked by. We sat there in silence until dad cleared his throat.

"I think it's time for you two to go back to sleep." Dad told us a couple of minutes later.

"But..." I started.

"Mackenzie please don't argue." Dad begged me.

"Fine." I mumbled before I stood up and went into my bedroom. I closed the door behind me before I slid down the wall and brought my knees to my chest as I tried to hold myself together. Two minutes later there was a knock on my bedroom door. I got up and opened it a second later.

"Aimee?" I said confused as I noticed her standing there with her teddy. She had some DVD's in her other hand. She looked up at me a second later, her eyes full of worry.

"When you used to feel sad Sophie used to come in your room with DVD's and chocolate and you'd watch movies together. I don't have any chocolate and I don't think I have any movies you would like but would you like to watch movies with me?" Aimee asked me a second later.

I smiled at her. "Of course." I replied as I stepped aside to let her in. She ran inside and placed the DVD's on my bed before she climbed on top of it. I shut the door before I went towards her and sat next to her. I couldn't help but think how lucky I was to have a little sister like Aimee.

Two days later

"Saying goodbye is one of the hardest things to do. Sophie wasn't just my sister, no she was my best friend as well and I miss her terribly." I stood in front of the audience at Sophie's funeral. I let the tears fall down my cheeks as I took another deep breath.

"But everyone will. We all knew Sophie and she had a massive impact in our lives in one way or another. None of us know how we are going to keep going without her. None of us know how we are going to get passed this. But there's one thing I do know. I know that I won't ever forget her."

I took another deep breath before I continued. "Because Ohana means family and family means no one is left behind or forgotten." I finished as I stepped down from the step. Everyone started clapping as I made my way off the stage.

As I made my way towards Mum, Dad and Dallas I saw someone I never expected to see.

"Nana?" I said in a confused tone a second later.

Authors Note:

So I did do an authors note on the last chapter but for some reason it didn't save. But this isn't the end of the book and there are going to be happier chapters soon I promise.

So what do you think Dianna is doing at Sophie's funeral?

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