Chapter 1: Aimee Grace

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Chapter 1: Aimee Grace

Demi's P.O.V

Alex held my hand as I had yet another contraction. They seemed to be getting stronger and stronger as time went on. I squeezed his hand tightly as I tried to breathe through the pain without screaming my head off. The midwife smiled at me a second later before she said anything to me.

"Okay Demi, on the count of three I want you to start pushing." She told me a second later. I noticed Alex sighing with relief a second later. I shot him a look.

"What? I'm surprised my hand hasn't dropped off." Alex joked a second later. I would have found it funny if I wasn't in labour and about to give birth.

"Well how about you don't touch me ever again then?" I snapped at him making everyone else in the room laugh while Alex fell silent a second later.

"Yeah I didn't think so. Although you aren't touching me for a year after this." I warned him before I started to have another contraction. I squeezed my eyes shut.

"FUCKING HELL THAT HURTS!" I screamed out.

"I think we should probably start now before she starts snapping everyone's head off." Alex told the doctors as I shot him another look as I tried to breathe through the pain.

"Okay on the count of three. One...two...three." The midwife said a second later. I started pushing as soon as she reached the number three

"Okay and breathe Demi." The midwife continued. I let go of the breath that I was holding in.

"And again." The midwife repeated. We did that a couple more times before the first baby came out.

"And baby number one is a girl." The midwife called out a second later. I didn't have much time to celebrate because soon after I continued to push the last baby out.

"And it's another girl." She called out and that's when Elizabeth May and Aimee Grace came into the world.

Aimee Grace's P.O.V

Five years later

"Aimee, will you just do as you are told!" Mum yelled as I refused, yet again to put on the clothes she wanted me to wear. I shook my head at her as I backed into the corner. My mum sighed in frustration as my twin sister Elizabeth who was already dressed and ready to go came towards her.

"I'm all ready mummy. I'm a good girl." She said as she sucked up to mum

"Yes Lizzy, you are now can you please go into Daddy's office and ask him to get you into the car?" Mum asked her a minute later. Elizabeth nodded her head as mum turned towards me again. I looked back at her

"Aimee, will you please stop being stubborn and get your clothes on! I don't have time for you to try and control things today." Mum snapped at me.

I wasn't being stubborn on purpose. I just couldn't stand the texture of the dress my mum had picked out for me. I didn't understand why she was forcing me to wear a dress and Mackenzie could wear what she wanted to wear. It wasn't fair! "Mummy I can't." I replied to her finally

"Aimee stop being silly. Of course you can put the dress on. There's no reason why you can't!" Mum answered back. "You're just being stubborn Aimee."

"No I'm not!" I yelled frustrated as tears pricked in my eyes.

"Well then put your damn dress on Aimee and stop being such a drama queen." Mum yelled at me before she got up and stormed out of the room.

Demi's P.O.V

As soon as I was out of the room I immediately felt bad for what I said to Aimee. I knew that it wasn't completely Aimee's fault. Aimee was under a child therapy group to help her because she had a development delay and they were doing some tests to see if she had any learning difficulties.

"Mum, are you okay?" Mac asked me as she came out of her room. She was dressed in a simple shirt and some shorts. I didn't feel like arguing with her today so I let her wear whatever she wanted. She was a teenager now and she could be extremely stubborn when she wanted to

"Aimee is being Aimee again." I sighed in frustration as Mackenzie came towards me.

"Where have I heard that before." Mackenzie laughed referring to the fraise that we used to use with her.

"You can laugh all you want but your sister is going to make us late to the family dinner." I replied to her. Mackenzie smiled at me before she went towards Aimee's door.

"Let me try mum." She said before she knocked on Aimee's door and entered the room.

Mackenzie's P.O.V

I looked at my little sister who was in the corner of the room. Her eyes were all red and blotchy from crying. I went towards her and knelt down in front of her. "Hey Aimee." I said as she looked up at me a second later.

"Hi." Aimee sniffed as she wiped the tears that had fallen onto her cheeks away.

"So what's wrong Aimee?" I asked her.

"M-My dress is too itchy." She stuttered a second later. I smiled sympathetically at her as she told me what was wrong. Aimee was a lot like me and was very sensitive to certain textures.

"Well is there another dress that you'd like to wear Aimee?" I asked as I got up.

She nodded her head as she stood up and followed me to her closet. She searched through her clothes until she came across the dress she was looking for. I helped her get it down and get changed before we headed downstairs to mum and dad.

Authors Note:

So this chapter is basically just an introduction to Aimee and I'll introduce Elizabeth properly in the next few chapters. So I hope you liked the first chapter and you'll continue to like this book. I hope this makes sense as well and don't forget to vote and comment and I'll update soon.


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