Chapter 15: More Arguments

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Chapter 15: More Arguments

Demi's P.O.V

Dallas came towards us sheepishly as soon as the service was over. I glared at her before I excused myself and went over. I folded my arms as soon as I reached her. "Demi. Please don't be mad." She begged me as soon as I reached her. "I don't want to have to choose between my mum and my little sister." She continued as our mum came towards both of us.

"So what was it this time?" My mother asked me before she took a sip of her drink.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked as I turned to look at her a second later.

"Sophie ran away didn't she? That's how she was killed." My mum said to me.

"Well yes. But I don't understand why Sophie running away has anything to do with what you're trying to get at? Are you trying to say it was my fault Sophie was killed?" I asked her as I raised my voice. Mum shook her head.

"I'm saying you shouldn't have adopted her in the first place. If you properly parent one child how the heck are you meant to parent four kids at the same time?" My mum asked a second later. I turned around and walked away from her.

"Oh real mature Demi. Walking away from someone because you know they speak the truth. You're a pathetic mother and you should have never been able to have a child." She screamed as I turned around with tears in my eyes.

"Oh really mum? Because you have no idea what it's like to see your child struggle and not being able to do anything to help them. To see your child, cry their eyes out because their grandmother doesn't except them for who they are. Maybe I should have protected Sophie better and maybe I could have done something to stop her from running away but at least I accept my kids for who they are and don't try and force them to be someone else." I continued to walk away as I finished speaking to her.

Dallas's P.O.V

I bit my tongue as I crossed my arms and went after Demi. My mum pulled me back a second later. "You can't seriously be on her side Dallas instead of mine." My mum said. I turned around to face her a second later.

"You have no idea do you? It's not Demi, Skylar or Mackenzie who's messing up this family. It's you! I thought you wanted to come here to talk to Demi to say sorry but obviously not. You have to make horrible comments to her after she's just lost her thirteen-year-old. What kind of fucked up person are you?" I screamed at her. My mother looked at me shocked.

"I'm not the fucked up one. They are." Mum replied to me. "And if you can't see that then I guess you're not my daughter anymore." She continued.

"You're disowning me because I'm sticking up for my sister who by the way is doing a fucking amazing job at bringing those kids up. Mackenzie wasn't even hers' until she adopted her neither was Sophie. But she's given them love and guidance. Mackenzie has ADHD, severe ADHD do you have any idea how hard that can be to deal with? Or how devastating it can be when you realise that your child is struggling at you don't know how to help them."

"You are making a big mistake Dallas. Alex and Demi shouldn't be parents if they can't manage their own children's behaviour. Especially Mackenzie's who they just put on medication instead of dealing with her behaviour."

"Do you have any idea what ADHD is? It's a behavioural disorder that affects the brain. People with ADHD aren't always aware of what they have done. They can't always read facial expressions and they aren't always aware of what's appropriate and what isn't." I replied to Dianna

"They still shouldn't have drugged her. Medication isn't the answer to a fake disorder."

Mackenzie's P.O.V

I was going over to Nana and Aunt Dallas when I overheard something Nana said.

"They still shouldn't have drugged her. Medication isn't the answer to a fake disorder."

"A fake disorder Nana?" I found myself saying. I started laughing sarcastically.

"Don't you fucking understand that I wish it was fake. I wish ADHD wasn't real. I wish I could have control over my own body instead of feeling like a puppet on a fucking string that someone else is controlling and no matter how hard I try I can't gain that control. I wish I could stop and think before I say or do something without medication. I wish I this was under my control and that I could just stop being the way I am in any moment."

"Do you think that I like being on medication? Because I don't. Not when I have to handle ignorant arseholes like you who don't know what the fuck they are talking about. If you don't treat ADHD appropriately a child is more likely to turn to drugs or self harm. Would you rather that I was cutting myself Nana? Or that I was doing drugs at thirteen because that was the other alternative. Would you rather that I was self medicating to deal with my issues? Would you rather that I was risking my life by cutting myself?"

Nana looked away from me as I finished speaking. "Yeah I didn't think so Nana."

Authors Note:

So Mackenzie really blew up at Dianna about her ADHD. Unfortunately, that's the attitude of a lot of people towards me because I'm on medication for ADHD. The only difference is I wasn't diagnosed with ADHD until last year so I did find other ways of coping with my ADHD like Mackenzie was talking about.

But seriously if someone is taking medication for an invisible disorder know that it isn't something that they nesicerarly want to do. Sometimes people have to take medication to keep themselves safe. But anyway before this becomes too serious and dark let me ask you some questions

Do you like this book so far?

Is there too much drama?

Would you like Alex's parents to make an appearance. (They'll have different opinions to 'Nana' I promise.)

Also ideas of how Alex should propose to Demi?

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