Chapter 4: Run away

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Chapter 4: Run away

Demi's P.O.V

"What ever happened to being yourself Demi and not caring what anyone else thinks of you?" Alex asked me as soon as he had calmed down.

"There's nothing wrong with being yourself but-." Alex interrupted me one second later

"But? Demi all Aimee what's is to be loved and accepted by her family. Is that so wrong?"

"I guess not..." I trailed off. "I'll go talk to her." I sighed a second later.

"Okay." Alex replied to me. "And can you tell her I'll be up in a second?" He called out

"Sure thing." I called back before I headed upstairs. I knocked on Aimee's door as soon as I reached it. I waited for an answer but no answer came.

I knocked on the door again before I entered the room a second later. "Aimee Grace?" I called out as I stepped inside the room.

I looked around her bedroom before I went into her closet. "Aimee come on this isn't funny." My voice cracked at the end as I frantically tried to look in all the hiding places a five year old could fit into but she wasn't anywhere.

My eyes fell onto a folded piece of paper with the words 'to mummy and daddy.' On it. I went towards it and picked it up before I started to read the note one second later

Dear mummy and daddy,

I'm running away. I'm leaving becuz I dont fit into this family and im just geting in the way. I'm sorry I was such a pain. I didnt meen to be. Hopefully you can find a beter litle girl who Nana doesnt think is a freek.

Aimee Grace x

I clutched the note with my hands as I fell to the floor. I brought my knees to my chest as tears fell down my cheeks. Soon enough I was full out sobbing. My little girl was gone and this was all my damn fucking fault.

Anger invaded my body as I realised how much my mothers words had hurt my little girl. I heard the door opening a minute later and looked up to see a very confused Alex.

"Demi what happened?" He asked me as he knelt down in front of me.

"Aimee ran away." I replied to him as I handed him the note. He took it from me before he started to read it a second later

20 minutes later

I opened the door to Dallas, Maddie and my mother. I hugged them one by one before I thanked them.

"I didn't have much of a choice." My mum muttered. I ignored her as I stepped to the side to let them all in.

"Mac and Sophie are already looking around the neighbourhood for her." I started before mum interrupted me.

"This wouldn't have happened if you had better control over your own kid." She told me.

"Oh really mum? Because Aimee doesn't feel like she belongs to this family. In fact she even says maybe one day you'll find a little girl who Nana doesn't think is such a freak. Stop acting like you fucking know everything because you don't. Now my little girl is out in the world on her own and might me in danger so if you'll excuse me I'm getting my shoes on so I can find my daughter."

Aimee Grace's P.O.V

I sat down in front of the pond as I watched all the ducks swimming on top of the water and quacking at each other, talking in their own language. Everyone seemed to accept everyone the way they were with out a second thought.

I suddenly heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see a man with tanned skin. He had a beard and brown hair. He looked familiar but I couldn't remember his name. He came towards me a couple of minutes later. He sat beside me a couple of minutes later. He smiled at me showing his pearly white teeth.

"Hi honey, I'm one of your mummy's friends from a long time ago." He said to me a minute later.

"What's your name?" I asked him curiously a second later.

"Wilmer." He replied to me.

Authors Note

So another update! I know that there are some spelling mistakes in Aimee's letter I spelt them wrong deliberately as she's only five years old. So Wilmer's found Aimee what do you think is going to happen next?

Also this will be probably the last update until next week because I don't want to keep updating and run out of ideas because it's annoying when that happens.

Anyway don't forget to vote, comment and I'll update next week.

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