Simple Notes to Remind All of You

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The good thing in our soul and the kindness of our heart; — to make a confession. The real good people do not need to prove anything to community or at least the people around them. The real good people only holds to the kindness and trustworthy heart from themselves.

There's no need to explain what we have or who we are. Because people who really know you don't need any explanation to understand you, because theknow who you really are. On the other hand, people who don't know you will only hate and jealous with you. They will somehow always to never believe of the kindness and trustworthiness inside of you.

Remember this, no matter how many people you know or how many stood by you side through hardship or happiness.

Just remember to always be a kind person until the day after never. Allah will always be with us no matter what. Allah is enough for everything, not human.

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