Chapter 17

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<Ang flashback>

"I knew it " I said I walk into the living room throwing a backpack that full of drugs in her face.

"Where the fuck you get this from Ang?" she said sitting up on the couch looking at the bag and me confused.

"Under your bed. You said you wouldn't start that shit" I said. I'm so mad and angry at her. We talk about this but she goes and joins a fucking gang anyway.

"I say a lot of thing. Look babe I-I had too. he helped ma and I out, I have to repay him. He ask me and without thinking I say Yes" she said glancing at the floor staying so clam.

"I hate you" I said while tears slide down my face. I hate crying in front of her but the shit she do makes me.

"Girl you love me." She chuckled "Look, forreal... I'm sorry." She pulls me into her and wiped my tears.

"Your choice right? then that means you don't love me or even care" I said with an attitude.

"I tell you everyday that I love you" she said holding me hand out and kiss it.

"But you do this. I told you don't. You always play dumbass games Dani. you really don't fucking think on how this can affect you in many ways. You know ..." I yelled at her pushing her away from me.

"Stop it Angelina, you can't help me! you don't have a single mom struggle to pay just for one bill or get lay off for dumb shit at work. I'm trying to do this for myself and ma. You will NEVER understand." She yelled back standing up hover over me. She never yells at me like that, even when we do argue she always clam and controls her temper; which is very ugly. Now I see that's all change. Her face softened "Angie...." I back away from her.

"I'm leavening " I said grabbing my shoes by the door and quickly put them on.

"Where are you going Ang?" she said

"Home" I mumble walking out her front door and start running down the road from her house. Behind me I can hear Dani calling my name.

I stop running after a couple block away. I don't know where I'm going. Miami is scary especially the streets of the bad parts and it's dark. I try calling Chris phone but no answer. I sent her a quick text tell her where I am.

"Hey Mami where you going " a unknown person with a manly voice.

I ignore them and kept walking.

"I can show you a good time" he said

I felt a person grab me I scream get off of me and try to get out of his grip when...

*Bang Bang Bang *

I heard, I just stood still. Did I get shot ?

*Thud* The person drop to the ground

"" the one person voice I recognize is Dani's

I turn around and look at the person on the ground dead then look up at Dani standing there with a gun in her hand

"You kill him!?!" I said In shock and scared

She really kill someone in front of me. omg who is she? I feel light head. My knee become weak. I then blackout.

< flashback over >

To be continued.....


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