Chapter 5

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Lee Pov

I woke up feeling like I haven't in mouths. The best sleep in forever. I hardly remember
anything. I just remembered walking, running, black van, a guy, then ....

Wait ...Where the fuck am I?

I sat up look around a big ass room. This is not my room or the place I stay at with Jay, so where am I.? After touring around the room looking though shit. I walk out the room door trying to find my way out of here.

I made my way downstairs. Wow this place was huge. I'm lost. I saw an old Latino lady coming out of a room. I didn't know rather hide from her or ask her for help? Maybe I can do both? No! I need to get the hell out of here.

"Um excuse me do you.."

"Oh your awake, come come" she said that I could barely understand, pushing me towards the door she come from.

" wait can you help me get out of here, see I was kidnapped and I don't know where i am" I mumbling fast but all she said somethings in Spanish I don't know.

She open the door and push me in and close it quickly behind. I was about to grab the knob when someone say "What the hell".

I turn around and saw a woman stand up from where I see she dress in a turquoise blazer, white t-shirt with a gold watch and chains that is probably expensive ass hell. her curly hair push into a tight ponytail. This person looks familiar.

"Boss ? "I said in hesitation and confusion. Her face turn into a little smirk like I was right.

"What I am doing here? Why did you kidnapped me? Yo What the fuck?" I ask her.

"Shut up. Welcome your going to love with me . " she said as if was the best new ever. What the fuck she talking about.

"What you do mean? " I asked

"Long story short , Jay is moving away to Atlanta and she can't take you with her or leave you alone. So now I'm 'letting' you stay with me. Got it? " she said walking in front of desks and leaning on it.

"She couldn't just tell me that herself in person or text or call me?" I questioned as I started to get angry.

"She leave's tonight " she says shrugging her shoulder.

"What about all of my stuff" I said

"There should be here, upstairs In your new room. Don't worry you don't have much."

I nodded then there was an awkward silence. We were staring at each other like ... idk it was weird.

Then she clear her throat. "Well if that's it we should head to bed "She started walking pass me with out a word.

I follow her upstairs she show me the room where I'm staying in.

"I'll give you a tour of the house and my rules tomorrow " Josie said

"Okay, whatever " I mumbled

She hold open my room door and I walk in. It was a brown and white theme with a dark wood floor, king-sized bed in the middle of the room, small sofa, in the corner. Not much right now I guess.

"Well goodnight " she said then close the door again without my respond

"Night " i mumbled again rolling my eyes

I want into the bathroom which was big and beautiful. Then took a shower. When I was done I went looking for my clothes. Couldn't find it until I check the closest which was huge and already organize. I finally found my boxers, sports bra, pj pants and a shirt. I got into bed oh my gosh it so comfortable I went to sleep instantly.


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~ Davi

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