Chapter 3

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Josie Pov

I have been waiting in the car for this Lee girl to get off work at a local grocery store. So I can "kidnap" her. I thought that will be better then just telling her if she declines to live with me. Hell I would.

Finally I see her walking through the automatic doors, so I told me driver to stalk slowly behind her.

I got a text from Jay:

Jay: "don't scare her, shes tough but you over do that "
Me: " lol I won't, finished those your last drops"
Jay: " yes papi "

I shake my head and return my focus on the girl.

"Why the hell would you walking in the dark in this part of town. Stupid " I thought in my head rolling my eye. She kept looking back at us (the car). I seek she started to notice we're following her. A couple minutes later she starts running.

"Follow her," i told my driver

We follow her in to a dead end. My driver stop and got out went to get her. I'm sitting in the back thinking what I'm going to do living with a teenager. That's parenting I don't have time for. My life, money and dreams. what can this cause me.

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