Chapter 23

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Josie Pov

"Kenny?" I said her name as if it's was really her. She smiles showing her amazingly straight teeth then turn fully back towards me.

" I knew you would remember me" she said. "Josie we really need to talk."

"About what? What are YOU doing here? How did you find me?" I ask.

I don't really want her to answer them.

"You know damn well its about her " she said as she made her way to my living room. She sat on the couch and relaxed.

I'm still standing by the door trying to figure out what she just said.

" Are you going to offer me something to drink? I'll take water maybe Vodka later" she told me.

To her I had no choice, but to treat her well and welcome her in MY home. Now I'm irritated.

I went into the kitchen and instead of giving her water I "accidentally" pour vodka in a color glass. Hehe.

I went to MY living room and found Kenny all laid back, comfortable, changing the channels on MY tv.

"Your water" I said handing it to her.

"Why are you naked?" She asked.

I looked down at myself realizing I'm still in my robe naked.

" I was fucking ... "

Before I could finish speaking, she spit out her drink and start choking.

"That's not water Joselyna!!" She yelled out and started coughing uncontrollably.

"Oops" I said with no emotion, crossing my arms. "Now tell me. What are you really doing here? "

"Like I told you .. About Daniella " She managed to say still coughing.

"You still..."

"Yes Of course. She's my daughter. I won't abandoned her too like you did " Kenny said.

I sat down in a single chair feeling overwhelmed. She's here, she's around, she's alive, oh my god!

" I had .. a reason..." I try to say, but Kenny interrupted me with anger that I have seen once before.

"Fuck that bullshit Josie. Tell me why you left me and your own daughter?" She yelled standing up getting in my face.

Y'all know me I would never let anyone get in my face like that, but my once lover Kenny; she make me look guilty and innocent. I can't speak for myself, I'm different around her.

" JOSIE!" I heard someone call for me.
Shit shit shit I forgot about Jay upstairs.

"Who's that? " Kenny asked.

"The person I was fucking. Stay here" I told her. If she listens. Shes very hardheaded.
I run upstairs to my room seeing Jay is not in the bed.

"Jay?" I called her name.

"Baby, what took you so long? Was it Lee at the door?" She ask coming out from my bathroom.

"Umm no sorry umm" I ramble trying to figure out what to do with my ex and Jay here.

All that and my daughter is somewhere. What the fuck am I supposed to do?

"Are you okay? You look pale. Sit. " Jay said guiding me to sit in the bed.

She was half dressed.

"Finish getting dressed" I said quickly putting something on I don't care cause I still look good like always.

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