Chapter 21

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I went to the movie room giving Chris some space after the "break up with that hoe" but she not going to ruin my mood. whatever.

I cuddle up next to Lee. She gave me smile I smile back. Im so happy we together now it's such a relief. I awkwardly feel that Chris still don't like it but she'll do anything for me. Anyway Dounia and Ralph are above us focused watching the movie Finding Dory.

" I want to take you out... I'm a date" Lee whispered in my ear. She voice is so sexy I melt when she speak.

"I will love that" I whisper back smiling.

A few min later Chris walk in and sat alone in a sofa next to us

"So what party you planning Lee?" Chris said out loud

"Oh I want to throw a pool party at my house" Lee said

" Really that's what's up. when?" Chris said

"We should do it this weekend " Ralph said excited.

"Ooo yeah I'm free this week. I can help maybe" Dounia said. " omg I can get one those animals floaty's. Ooo I like the flamingo and Donuts ones. Here I'm order same the Kim K ass emoji floaty.

What? We all look at her werid

"Oh nevermine. Y'all don't know what I'm talking about !?" She pout. We laugh at her   nonsense girly life.

" I know who can DJ from school and let's cater cause that to much food to cook or grill" I said

"Wait how many people are coming" Chris ask look at me

" Um I don't know really maybe around two hundred. " Lee said looking unsure

"Wow this is going to be a huge ass party. That's half of the school. Are you sure? " I ask her

"Yeah totally. I'm sure my um aunt will be okay with it. She shouldn't be home this weekend " she said looking very nervous. Is she okay?

"Alright well let's go to bed. In the morning we'll start work on this big ass party!" I yell get up and grab the blankets from the closest.

"Ugh so early why" dounia said

"You need your beauty rest princess. Come on lazies." We move the coaches into a giant beds. "Night night everyone" Ralph called out as we get settled down to sleep.

Lee is layer next to me and Chris is a distant way. I like this. It's nice to be close to someone that I like but I don't wanna loose a best friend for a relationship. My mind runs off as I close my eyes and sleep.



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