Songs of the heart.

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"Like hell I'm scared!" Kuon admonished as he grabbed one of the songbooks and started flipping through the pages.

Maemi looked on trying to hide her disdain for the younger woman. She had done what all the others had failed to so far. She had managed to make Kuon want to sing solo. Damn that Kyoko! Natsu watched Maemi from the corner of her eye since this was her territory. She knew Kyoko had needed her help to sing as she had done and now Natsu was waiting to see just how much of a threat this woman was.

Maemi leant over Kuon as he read through the songbook. Natsu knew what she was trying to do. If Kuon looked a little to his right he would see right down her top. Natsu smiled at the blatant display. Kyoko certainly wouldn't have noticed but Natsu did and she liked the way Kuon seemed completely oblivious to her attempts. Natsu slowly faded and her also went those type of thoughts. Now Kyoko shifted in her seat uncomfortably since she had never really sang in front of other people. Growing up with Sho of course she had to know a little about music so she had read all of the library books about the subject at school. She had been hoping one day Sho would ask her to join him in his quest for musical fame. With that in mind she had practised alone when working and cleaning. In "Corn's Clearing" she had also found she quietly enjoyed it there though of course Sho never wanted her.

Sho had seen this of course. These days, he had been watching every program possible where Kyoko would be taking part. His free time was spent viewing every all of the available live web streams flicking through the cameras to find her in his free time. He even went so far as to buy an Ipad tablet with a live TV feed to watch the shows from his dressing room or whereever he happened to be at that time. It just so happened tonight he had been sitting backstage waiting for his turn to promote his new single on Bridge Rock. The moment Kyoko opened her mouth, Sho's jaw hit the floor. He had never known she could sing. Hell she could sing really well! Sho realized Kyoko could not only sing well, but with a little help she could very well break into the music industry herself. This frightened Sho and as he watched the woman he believed he knew better than anybody alive, he suddenly understood just how much he really had missed out on and just how much he had thrown away.

Maemi watched Kyoko as her confidence from a few moments ago had slipped. She was now the girl she always was. Being an actress herself Maemi wondered just how Kyoko seemed to change at the drop of a hat the way she did, it was uncanny. Being a classical actress of course she knew of method actors. Maemi was aware Kuon was a method actor, but how could a newbie such as Kyoko be the same. It shouldn't really be possible.

"Ah Ha!"Kuon suddenly exclaimed as he slammed the book shut and grabbed the remote. The sparkle in his eyes made Kyoko's heart leap as he turned his most heart wrenching smile towards her.

"I'm going to make you eat your words." Kyoko let a little of Natsu out as she smiled back.

"I look forward to it." She smiled a sexy smirk as Kuon punched in the number and then grabbing one of the mics he stood before the screen as the title in English read.

"The Way You Look Tonight: Frank Sinatra"

Kyoko read the title a few times racking her brain and trying to think if she had heard this song before or if she even knew the artist. But as the music kicked in she knew it was something she had not heard before. As Kuon's voice kicked in, Kyoko knew he had picked a song perfect for his own style.

Someday, when I'm awfully low

When the world is cold

I will feel a glow just thinking of you

And the way you look tonight

The way Kuon smiled and clicked his fingers made Kyoko smile as his eyes never left hers. Kuon winked before doing a simple little foxtrot with his feet which had Kyoko laughing. She wondered how many people would be able to understand the song?

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