The date and roses.

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"Erm, thank you." she said as she turned and fled the dining room. Kuon went back to his breakfast, securely fixing the beautiful sight that was Kyoko into his head as the others would soon be joining him at the table. At least he was getting to go out with Kyoko today. Honoka, Kanae and the other girl Hotaru seemed pleasant and the Love Me ladies seemed to have taken a liking to her so he expected she would be nice too. As for the last member of their group, Chiyoko, Kuon had already decided she would be one of the first ten girls to be leaving. No one hurt Kyoko, especially on purpose he reasoned. Unlike Oka he could lose Chiyoko without fear of problems in the future, but Oka, she was going to be a big problem. Kyoko and most of the actresses for that matter worked with all agencies for various projects and made films and dramas among other things they were funding or sponsoring.

Kuon couldn't afford to upset Oka. Not yet anyway, and secretly he wondered if there was a way to get her to simply leave herself. He never knew at that exact moment as Kyoko told her roommates what had happened with Oka and Tama that morning that Chiori was thinking the exact same thing, but unlike Kuon she would be acting on it.

"Well let's get you cleaned up and sorted out." Kanae said, pulling Kyoko into the changing room and skimming through the clothes Jelly had set out for her. Kyoko could have told her already there was nothing really their suitable for bowling, but she let Kanae look. Honoka, who had watched Chiori's face during Kyoko's narration, watched the younger girl now with a thoughtful look in her eyes that slowly grew brighter, a small smile creasing her lips.

"So what's the plan then for Oka?" Honoka spoke quietly and very slowly, making sure Chiori knew her intentions with her eyes. The smile that graced Chiori's face was calculating and then acceptant. Accomplices were always useful and Chiori had the perfect one sitting right before her.

"Oh don't worry I have a few ideas up my sleeve, there are always all kinds of accidents." Honoka shivered. The look in Chiori's eyes was frightening, but at the same time the shiver had not been from fear but a thrill. Whatever this girl was planning Honoka was glad she was going to be part of it and in her opinion, on the winning side.

*Knock Knock*

Chiori jumped up, opening the door to a flustered Jelly.

"Well it seems we have a wardrobe emergency. Now you girls run on down to breakfast and leave Kyoko-chan to me. Kanae can you or Chiori grab her something so she can eat on the move please? And don't worry sweetie, we will make that Oka rue the day she messes with one of my girls." Jelly had said all this in one breath while rushing into the changing room under an armful of clothes and her magic box as she liked to call it. None of the girls complained they all just nodded. The tiny woman was not one to be messed with and they all knew it only too well. Exiting the room as a group, Jelly turned to Kyoko.

"Now let's make you beautiful." Her eyes sparkled. Jelly loved working with Kyoko. She was a blank canvas with which Jelly could create a masterpiece.

"Well really how rude do some people have to be making us and Kuon wait like this?" Kanae was about to retort, but Honoka just glared at the woman and instantly she was silent. Kuon who had approached them unknowing was the one to defend Kyoko.

"I do believe Watanbe-san that Kyoko-chan did not ask for her outfit to be ruined this morning at breakfast, so allowances on everyone's part should be made." Honoka smiled at Kuon and his obvious use of Kyoko's given name and Chiyoko's family name, knowing it would not be lost on the woman and Honoka intended to make it pretty clear. Standing from the chair she had been sitting in she approached Kuon.

"Good morning, Kuon-san. I hope you slept well." Placing her hand on his arm she kissed both his cheeks, a very French greeting, he smiled at her happily returning the gesture.

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