Chapter 14

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"Go kill him now," the yellow eyed demon demands as we walk in front of Sam, blocking Sam's view of Dean.

I look down at Sam and see tear stains on his face, anger in eyes. He looks at yellow eyes, then looks at me. He sees the knife that I am holding, realization strikes him.

"Your gonna kill me?" Sam asks, confused. I slowly nod my head but try to find a way to tell him I'm not. I wink at him, but it confuses him even more.

"Kill me then, right now." Sam says, just as I raise my hand with the knife getting ready to hurry up and turn to yellow eyes, Sam throws the rope on the ground, becoming untied. I see he has a knife in his hands, he cut himself free.

The next thing I know I'm pinned against the wall by Sam. He has his knife held against my neck. I can feel the cold blade about to cut my skin.

"Sam, let me go," I calmly say, being careful not to do or say anything stupid.

"You were probably in on this whole thing! You let them kill my brother!" Sam shouts, I try to get away but I can't.

"No, I didn't know a thing about it. Let me go,"

"Why? So you can kill me? I don't think so!" Sam shouts, I use all my strength to push him off me, then start to run towards yellow eyes.

I throw my knife and it stabs yellow eyes in the chest. Sam tackles me onto the ground right after.

I am now laying on my stomach, right in front of Deans body. I can feel his blood from on the floor soaking into my shirt. I look up and see the yellow eyed demon has completely dissapeared. Sam gets off of me, and I stand up quickly, raising my knife.

"Sam I wasn't trying to kill you, I was trying to kill the yellow eyed demon" I explain, Sam nods his head.

"I realized that after you went after him and not me," Sam sighs, then looks over at Dean. I look down at my shirt, it's covered in his blood now.

"Is there a way to bring Dean back to life?" I ask Sam, I know I've heard of people bringing others back from the dead.

"Yeah, if someone sold their soul to a demon for him maybe, but there's no guarantee," Sam explains, lifting Deans body off the hook.

"Alright, I'm gonna go get some air," I stutter, about to cry. When I get outside I run over to the impala, taking out my dad's journal.

I remember reading about what he called a crossroads demon. You can sell your soul to a demon in exchange for what you want.

There's a list of supplies needed to summon the demon. Luckily Dean left the keys in the impala. I turn the keys, turning the car on, then go to find the supplies I need. Once I get everything, I will sell my soul for Dean.
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