Chapter 10

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It's been 3 weeks since the problem with the demon possessed movie theater man.

Dean and I have gotten extremely close, Sam slways complains and says he feels like a 3rd wheel, but always is trying to get me and Dean to date. Don't get me wrong, I have a major crush on Dean Winchester, but I try to ignore it. I don't want to ruin the friendship we have.

"Sammy, you are not going alone!" Dean shouts, blocking the door so Sam can't get out of the motel room. Sam got a call from John, their father, earlier this morning. He gave him hints about where they were.

It was obvious someone was watching him as he talked, he was so careful about what he said and how he said it. They are 5 states away.

Sam thinks someone, or something, has them locked up somewhere.

"I can handle it myself," Sam sighs, trying to get past Dean.

"I'm going with you, and so is Miranda, it is not safe to go alone, there could be something after us too," Dean explains, at least he didn't forget about me. I was expecting him to make me stay at the motel like a messed up version of repunzel, where demons are trying to get me.

Finally Sam gives in, and let's us go. We pack all our things, then climb into the impala.

Time for a very long trip. I sit in the back like always. Sam falls asleep almost instantly.

"Dean," I randomly say, trying to get his attention.


"Do you ever really miss your father and get scared you'll never see him again?"

"All the time actually,"

"My father is the only family I have left, you have Sam, if I lose my father I have nothing,"

"You'll still have us,"

"Your not family, your like family, but you aren't actual family,"

"Family doesn't have to be blood," Dean sighs, I can tell I just upset him. I sit in silence, trying to fall asleep but I can't.

"When are you ever gonna realize how much I like you?" Dean asks randomly, taking me by surprise. I'm about to answer when Dean slams on the breaks, causing my face to hit the back of his seat.

"What the hell?!" Sam shouts, then instantly freezes as he looks up. I look up to see what they are looking at, a demon has it's hands on the front of the car, having a stare down with Sam and Dean. It has yellow eyes, just like the one that killed my mom.

"Get the colt," Dean whispers to me, anger in his eyes.

"The colt?" I question, having no idea what he is talking about.

"The gun sitting beside you," Sam answers, I can tell they both are surprised I had no idea what it was. I still don't know why it's called the colt.

"Oh look, the Winchester brothers, and a pretty girl. Wait, is that little Miranda Mullins?" The yellow eyed demon smirks, knowing exactly who all three of us are as we get out of the car.

"The last time I saw you Miranda was when you were just a baby in a crib, discover how special you are yet? Or is your daddy still trying to protect you?" The demon laughs, Dean and Sam give eachother a worried look before looking at me. Why am I special? What is my father trying to protect me from?

"I remember the last time I saw you so perfectly, your moms flesh burning on the ceiling, I bet Dean remembers when the same thing happened to his mom," 

Dean gets ready to shoot at the demon, when he pulls the trigger nothing happens, causing the demon to laugh.

"Dammit! Miranda you gave me the fake one," Dean mumbles, throwing the gun on the ground. I didn't see any other gun. That was the only one. Just as Sam gets the other one, the demon dissapears, leaving footsteps in the muddy dirt road where he once stood.

"Why am I special?" I quickly ask, wanting to know answers.

"Your just like Sammy," Dean quietly says, looking down at the ground. How am I like Sam?

"I'm special too, we both are. There is demon blood pumping through our veins," Sam explains quickly.

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