Chapter 5

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"Wake up!" I hear Dean, who is driving, shout, causing me to jump up. We left around 4:00am to go find our fathers. It is now 10:00pm and we are still in the impala.

"Sleeping beauty is awake," Dean informs Sam, causing me to glare at him for calling me sleeping beauty. I am not, never have, and never will be a fan of princesses.

"You may be beautiful, but you sure are grumpy in the morning," Dean smirks, with his eyes on the road.

"Stop flirting with me Dean Winchester,"

"Stop calling me by my first name, princess," Dean says with a wink

"Do you guys like each other or something?" Sam asks confused, looking back and forth between Dean and I.

"Just joking around," I quietly say, sitting back in my seat, looking out the window. I see Sam whispering to Dean.

"Shut up, Sammy!" Dean shouts, letting go of the steering wheel with his right hand to push Sam. Now I wanna know what he said.

"So, where are we going?" I ask after a short period of silence.

"Our dad left his journal at the motel, I think it will lead us to where they were headed, the first stop is Michigan," Dean explains,

"I did some research on recent news in the town, to see why it would be in his journal, there have been 3 murders in the past 2 weeks," Sam explains, handing me papers he printed off.

"A 12 year old was at her friends house when she was killed, 4 days later her friend was murdered in the same house," Sam explains, "at first I thought it could be something related to the house, until 5 days later a boy was killed who had no relation to the girls,"

"What are you gonna do to figure it out?" I ask, I've never been on a hunt before.

"We will investigate, hope it's the demon our fathers are after, if it is it could lead us to them," Dean answers, pulling into the parking lot of a motel. I'm guessing this is where we will be staying.

It's sorta weird leaving town with 2 guys because they claim to know my dad. I can tell they are being honest about everything. I'm just worried this isn't such a good idea.

"I call the bed by the air conditioner!" Dean shouts running to the bed, as we walk into the room. He acts like a little kid sometimes, it's so cute. Wait, no. I didn't think that.

"Maybe I wanted that bed!" Sam whines, pushing Dean off the bed.

"You guys are sharing that bed, I'm not sleeping with one of you," I state, Sam and Dean exchange looks.

"I'm not sleeping with him!" They both complain at the same time.

"Your brothers, deal with it, you'll survive."

"Your brothers, deal with it," Dean mocks in a high voice as he lays down on the bed beside Sam.

"Watch it Winchester!" I joke, glaring at Dean as I lay down on the bed across from them.

"Just date already," Sam chuckles, Sam needs to shut up. We just met and we are just friends.

"Shut up, Sammy, I mean it." I say, half joking, half serious.

"But Dean said he-"

"Goodnight!" Dean shouts interrupting Sam.  I'll find out what Dean said later.

"Goodnight boys," I say, before rolling over to fall asleep. I'm almost asleep when my phone beeps, waking me up. I tiredly read the text message.

Hey, it's Dean.  -Dean

Um, why are you texting me when we are in the same room? ~Miranda

I'm bored. I can't wake Sammy. Your cute when you sleep by the way. -Dean

Stop watching me sleep!!! & if I'm cute, why did you wake me up? ~Miranda

Chill, I'm joking, I'm not watching you. But you are cute ;) -Dean

Stop flirting with me and go to sleep!! ~Miranda

I have to flirt with someone as beautiful as you. -Dean

Goodnight Dean. ~Miranda

Goodnight beautiful -Dean barely know me. Why are you acting like this? ~Miranda

I wanna get to know you. Give me a chance? -Dean

I guess I'll give you a chance ~Miranda

I knew you would :P -Dean

How? ~Miranda

All the girls do, everyone falls for me -Dean

Wow. You just lost your chance. ~Miranda

I didn't mean to say it like that. Dont make me lose my chance. -Dean

You already lost it. Goodnight Dean. ~Miranda

Goodnight I guess... -Dean

The rumors were true, Dean is a player. I'm not everyone. I will not fall for Dean. I'm here for one reason, and one reason only, to find my dad.

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