Chapter 7

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"Miranda!" I hear Sam and Dean shout at the same time as they follow me in the impala. I ignore their shouts and keep walking.

"Stop being so stubborn and get back in the car." Dean demands, but once again I ignore him. I will not take part in their sick plan.

"We won't dig up the bodies, this time. Sooner or later you will learn it's not actually that bad, we have to do it, Miranda please get in the car, we need to find the demon before it kills anyone else," Sam nicely says, I stop and think for a moment. Then turn around and walk to the car. I open the door and slowly climb in the back seat. He is right. It is something that has to be done in some cases. I need to toughin up if I'm gonna become a hunter as great as my father.

"Let's go kill that son of a bitch now," Dean says, referring to the demon. I stay quiet, not knowing what to say now. Once we arrive at the movie theater my heart starts racing .

"How do we kill a demon?" I ask, I've never gone hunting before, so I have no idea how to kill a demon.

"You are not coming with us to kill it," Dean says, taking the keys out of the car and putting them in his pocket.

"I'm going, I want to go, you said earlier I can make my own decisions,"

"You know nothing about hunting, it's very dangerous and your safety is in our hands and I sure as hell am not letting you get killed by a demon!" Dean argues, I look at Sam and hope he is on my side. I can tell he is, of course, on his brothers side.

"If I die then at least I will die fighting,"

"Fine, it's your death wish." Dean sighs, getting out of the car. I can tell Sam is trying to stay out of the argument.

Sam and I get out of the car and follow Dean to the back. He opens the trunk, which is filled with many different types of weapon. Guns, knives, salt, and even holy water. Dean hands me a knife, hands Sam a gun, and takes a knife for himself. Sam takes the small bottle of holy water and puts it in the small pocket of his flannel shirt.

"Stay behind us, stay safe, and do whatever we tell you to do," Sam orders, as we walk towards the movie theater. I never noticed the height different between the two brothers until now.

We get up to the ticket booth and I stay behind Sam and Dean just like Sam told me to. I look over their shoulders, the man looks like a normal, nice guy. You couldn't tell just by looking at him that there was a blood thirsty demon possessing his body. Dean gets 3 tickets for the movie. He hands the guy the money, as he puts the money in the cash register Sam gets out the small bottle of holy water. He takes a drink, then pretends to accidentally spill the water all over the counter. He quickly appologizes, being the nice guy he is. Even tho it was on purpose, I can't help but let out a small giggle. The movie theater guy ignores the water, looks like that idea failed.

As we are walking away we watch him carefully. He organizes the money in the cash register, then moves the tickets to underneath the counter. He then rests his arm on the counter where the holy water was just spilled. When the water touches him, his arm burns. I can see the steam coming off it, almost like when you boil water in a pot. His eyes turn a pitch black color. I've heard my father talk about seeing a persons eyes turn black when possessed by a demon. I never saw it myself till now. It's much more scarier than I had imagined. He quickly lifts his head up, searching the area around the ticket booth. His eyes land on Sam, he freezes in place, not letting Sam out of his sight.

"Get your knife ready," Dean whispers to me, as the demon possessed man walks out of the ticket booth.
Thanks so much to everyone who has read and commented on my book so far. I am going to try to update atleast 3 times a week, if I'm in a creative mood I will update more often. Let me know your opinions so far. Please share this book with your supernatural loving friends.
Have a great day! :)

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