Chapter 11

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"Demon blood? What? Why? How?" I start to question, there is no way there is demon blood inside of me.

Sam and Dean both explain to me as simple as possible that just like Sam, when I was a baby the yellow eyed demon put demon blood in me. They thought Sam was the only one, but now know he's not. They have no idea why he did it.

Sam has nightmares, almost like visions, that basically show him a bad thing that is going to happen. He has seen a man die in his car, a man get his head chopped off by a window, etc.

"Will I start having nightmares?" I ask, as we head to a motel.

"Honestly, I have no idea if you will or not," Sam answers, looking out the window with a worried expression. Knowing I have demon blood in me is scary news, and Sam understands that fully.

I know no matter what happens, no matter how much I go through, Sam and Dean will be with me through it all. That's what the Winchester brothers do, they protect each other and the people they care about.

When we get to the motel Sam grabs salt, and Dean grabs 2 guns and a knife, you always have to be ready to protect yourself.

Sam pays for the room with a fake credit card, going by the name James Johnson, which sounds pretty fake. As Sam pays, Dean and I go to the room 54.

"Dean, do you think the demon is using us for an evil plan?" I ask Dean as he unlocks the door to the motel.

"Id like to say no, but I have no idea and don't like thinking about it," Dean answers, laying the guns and knife on the small couch in the room.

I look around the room, it's not the nicest. There's a picture frame falling off the wall, and a lamp without a light bulb on a stand. There's even what looks like bullet holes over the bed.

There are 2 queen sized beds and one couch, they look pretty clean, better than the room.

"Alright guys, we need to get to sleep, we are leaving at 4am," Sam says, walking into the room.

Dean sleeps on the couch, and Sam and I take the 2 beds. I quickly fall asleep.

I have a terrible nightmare causing me to wake up. I was standing in a white room, I heard Dean screaming out in pain but couldn't see him. I tried to run and find him but couldn't move. I looked down and saw I was standing over a demon trap.

"Your one of us now," I heard someone laugh evily, I look up and see Sam with black eyes.

"I need to save Dean!" I shout, still trying to get out.

"You don't have to worry about your precious Dean anymore," I hear another voice chuckle, I turn around and see yellow eyes. Beside him is Dean hanging on the wall by a hook, lifeless. Blood pouring out of his chest. I start to scream and cry, trying so hard to escape and kill yellow eyes.

When I wake up I look around to make sure I didn't wake up Sam or Dean. Both of them are asleep. I'm tangled in my blankets, probably cause I was moving around so much.

I'm so shaken by the nightmare I lay in the bed and cry. When I was younger and had a nightmare my father would put salt around my bed and tell me nothing could hurt me, but now I know I have much bigger problems than a monster under my bed.

I get up out of bed and slowly walk towards Dean, wondering if this would be a good idea or not. I poke his arm until he wakes up and looks at me confused.

"I had a really bad nightmare, I can't sleep," I whisper, trying to see Deans face in the dark.

"A vision type of nightmare or just a nightmare?" Dean asks, i have no idea how to answer, I want to think it's a nightmare; i hope it's a nightmare.

"Just a nightmare,"

Dean gets up off the couch and walks me back over to the bed. He motions for me to lay down so I do, then he does the unexpected and lays down beside me.

"I'll protect you," Dean whispers in my ear, before wrapping him arms around me. I feel safe, and happy knowing Dean is ok and my nightmare was just a dream. I quickly fall asleep in Dean's arms.

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