Chapter 21

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"We have to Dean, there's no other choice!" I hear Sam say, getting frustrated.

I open my eyes slightly and see I'm in the hospital. I'm alive. I close my eyes and listen in on their conversation.

"No! She's too young to die, she's strong, I know she is, we can't just let her die!" Dean argues, who are they suppose to be killing?

"Look, I know you love her, but the only thing keeping her alive is that machine, she wouldn't want to live that way, she's already gone Dean," Sam sighs, I hear footsteps and Sam's voice getting more far away. He must have left the hospital room.

I open my eyes and see nobody is in the room, not even Dean.

They have the choice to kill me, unplug the machine and make me die? I see a nurse and pull the breathing tube out of my nose, as soon as I do I start having trouble breathing.

I grab onto the bed railing as I gasp for air, but it seems like no air can get to my lungs. A nurse rushes in and puts the tubes back in, finally I can breathe again.

A doctor quickly enters the room. He starts checking all the machines, then looks at me with a smile.

"It's a miracle," the doctor says, before explaining everything, including the fact they were almost ready to unhook me from the machines, which would kill me.

"Who all was here?" I ask shakily, sounding like there's a frog in my throat as people use to say. I never understood the phrase.

"Sam, Dean, and John Winchester, and Bobby Singer," the doctor answers, I nod my head and look around the room, feeling awkward with both the nurse and the doctor watching me.

"Get some rest, I'll be back in a little bit for some tests, press the button if you need anything," the doctor explain, pointing to the red button on the side of the bed.

Both the nurse and doctor leave. I've been basically sleeping for how many days now? Why would I need to rest?

I go to grab the tv remote when I realize how weak and tired I actually am. I close my eyes and decide to sleep.

"Hello Miranda," I hear a feminine voice say, causing me to wake up. A young nurse is standing by my bed with a wheelchair.

"We need to do some X-rays to see how your broken bones are healing," the nurse explains, helping me out of bed. She's much smaller than me, if I were to fall id easily crush her. After the nurse gets me in the wheelchair she pushes me to the X-Ray room.


"Where is she??" I hear a deep voice shout from my hospital room as the nurse pushes me back.

"Calm down, maybe they took her to a different room," another voice says, I know those voices, Sam and Dean Winchester.

"I can't calm down! I need to know where she is, if you told them to unhook her I swear I'll-" Dean starts to shout at Sam but I interrupt him.

"Sam is right, Calm down Dean," I chuckle, Dean turns around and looks at me, his eyes light up and he gets a huge smile on his face.

"Your ok! Your alive!" Dean shouts moving quickly over to me, he gets ready to hug me then stops.

"What, I don't get a hug?" I frown .

"I don't want to hurt you," Dean says, Sam tells the nurse they can help me out of the wheelchair and she leaves.

"You won't hurt me Dean. I promise." I say, Dean nods his head and bends down, hugging me tightly.

"I love you," Dean whispers in my ear, quiet enough only I can hear. Before I can say anything he pulls away.

"Let's get you back into bed," Sam says, about to grab my waist to help me, but Dean stops him.

"I've got it," Dean says, then helps me up and over to the bed.

"We have a problem," Bobby says walking into the room, then is surprised to see me awake.

"What's the problem?" Sam asks, sitting down in a hospital bed beside me.

"Yellow eyes is here and wants Miranda," Bobby explains to Sam.

"How do you know?" Dean asks, I'm wondering the same thing.

"I saw him entering the hospital, he asked what room Miranda was in, now we gotta get her out now!" Bobby explains, then pushes the wheelchair over to Dean. Dean picks me up bridal style, but doesn't put me in the wheelchair, he just starts running.

"Sir what are you doing?" A nurse asks, as Dean runs with me in his arms, Sam and Bobby behind us. Dean ignores her.

We get to the elevators when the door shuts,Sam pulls open the elevator doors and we quickly get inside. He presses the button to the first floor.

When we get to the floor Dean starts running towards the door, I keep my arms wrapped around him tightly. He's about to open it when a man steps In front of it. His eyes are black.Demons are surrounding us.

"Give me the girl Dean," I hear yellow eyes voice demand, I turn and see him walking towards us. Sam stands infront of Dean and I.

"Over our dead body's," Sam says, causing yellow eyes to laugh.

"I can make that happen," yellow eyes says, just as a man stabs a knife into his back. It's John Winchester.

Yellow eyes pulls the knife out of his back, then turns to John.

"You really thought that would work?" Yellow eyes chuckles, holding up the knife, moving infront of John so I can't see him.

"I knew it wouldn't work, but it sure did distract you," John says, I hear a gunshot come from beside me, Sam is holding the colt.

The bullet goes into yellow eyes, just as it does I hear screams, Dean turns so I can't watch. I hear Sam drop the colt and start to run.

"DAD!" Sam shouts, among the rest of the screams.
I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter :)
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