Chapter 1

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"Everyone welcome your new classmate, Miranda," Mrs.Flemming, a middle aged teacher with brown hair, glasses, and a women's suit says.

Today is my first day at my new school. My dad is a hunter, which causes us to move a lot.

When I say he's a hunter I don't mean he spends his days in the woods with a rifle waiting for a deer to come by. I mean he's hunting the supernatural. He hunts anything from demons to ghosts. 

I awkwardly walk to the only open desk towards the back of the classroom, avoiding eye contact with the other kids.

I look around me to see who I'll be sitting by for the next 2 months of school before I finally get to graduate. Beside me is a girl with bleache blonde hair, chewing gum like a cow.

Behind me is a football player, with a team jersey on with the number 15. On the other side of me is a window, with a great view of the beautiful parking lot, *sarcasm*. In front of me is a guy with a plaid shirt and brown hair.

Class seems to slowly drag on, I listen to Mrs.Felemming talking about Edgar Allen Poe as I gaze out the window.

That's how just about every class goes for the next week. Sit in the back, listen, day dream, work, go home.

Until one day I am forced to socialize.

"Today we will be working on a group project," Mrs.Flemming explains, causing all the kids in the classes eyes to widen.

"I will be choosing your partners for you, and you will write your own poems." By now every student in the class is worried who they will be paired up with.

The teacher begins to call out names in pairs of twos, telling who is paired with who. I get paired with the boy sitting infront of me, who the teacher announces as Sam Winchester.

After Mrs.Flemming reads off all the names and every student knows their partner, Sam turns around in his seat to face me.

"Guess we are partners," I say, trying to start a conversation, but instead he only nods in agreement. After a few moments of silence he finally speaks up.

"We are gonna need to work somewhere, so we can meetup at the library tonight, if that's ok with you,"

"Yep, that would work for me, how about at 6?" I answer, it's gonna be awkward, but we need to do this project.

"That works," Sam smiles just as the bell rings. I pick up my stuff, then walk out of class.

I ride the bus home, sitting silently by myself. It's not that I don't like people, I just am really shy.

I notice Sam sitting at the front of the bus alone, I'm at the middle. I'm tempted to say hi, but know he probably doesn't want to talk to me, we are just partners for a project, not friends.

When I get home I sit on the couch alone. I spend most nights alone since my dad is always hunting. It gives me lots of time to worry.

Most kids see their parents as invincible. Like superheroes, nothing can hurt them. I don't think that way.

My mom was killed during a hunt. My dad never gave me details. That is why I am not allowed to hunt, and why I worry so much about my dad.

Demons, witches, vampires, and all the other supernatural beings are very dangerous. It takes a lot of skill to be able to fight them off, and even more skill to kill them.

Don't get me wrong, my dad could kill a demon in his sleep, but sometimes things go wrong.

I want to become a hunter as great as my dad.

I want to save people.
If you are reading this right now, thanks so much. Sorry this chapter is so short, I just didn't know how to start, I promise the book gets better tho. This is my first book I've written on here, and I hope you guys like it. Please let me know what you think. :)

Also, I have just published a new story called "To Hell & Back {Dean Winchester Fanfiction}", it's got a lot of action and some romance so go check it out! :)

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