Chapter 17

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"It's 10pm, you guys were gone for 3 hours!" Sam shouts angrily as Dean and I walk into the house holding hands.

"We were talking, chill," I defend, rolling my eyes. It's true, we talked a lot. We talked about our relationship, and how we are going to live like we've been together for years, since we don't have much time.

We talked about our feelings, and fears about tonight. I did most of the talking. Dean likes to hide is feelings and fears, pretending nothing affects him. I can tell just by looking into his eyes he's scared, he's broken. He's been through so much but manages to pretend it's all ok everyday, when in reality it's not.

"We have 2 hours till midnight, go get ready," Sam mumbles, shaking his head. Dean keeps quiet and leads me downstairs.

"Hears a knife and a gun," Dean says, handing them to me, then gets a knife and a gun for himself. He looks angry, but scared and worried, yet determined. When it's time for a hunt it's seems like he completely changes from flirty, cute Dean, to angry and determined, kind of scary Dean.

"You need to relax," I say, standing in front of him, wrapping my arms around his body, giving him a tight hug.

"I'm about to go try to kill someone, I'm as relaxed as I will ever be," Dean sighs, still organizing weapons, pretending I'm not hugging him.

"Stop worrying about weapons and love me," I chuckle, standing on my tiptoes then kiss him on the cheek, trying to distract him.

"No," Dean says, trying to stay focused.

"We have 2 hours, you already have your weapons picked out, stop stressing over this and try to relax," I say, my arms still wrapped around him.

"How are you not stressed about it?" Dean asks, finally wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm freaking out inside, but staying calm on the outside, trying to take my mind off of it," I answer, then let go of him.

"WE ARE LEAVING EARLY!" Sam shouts from upstairs. Dean and I look up the stairs then back at eachother.

"I love you," I whisper, I don't know how this will end, who will get killed, who will get hurt.

"Don't say it like your saying goodbye," Dean says, looking into my eyes.

"You never know if this will be our last time with eachother," I say, Dean shakes his head then kisses my forehead.

"I love you too," Dean says, then kisses my lips this time, I kiss back and wrap my arms around his neck. We start making out, he lifts me onto the table, then rests his hands on my hips.

"I said we wer-" I hear Sam's voice say, then stop. Dean and I pull away from each other and see Sam awkwardly looking at us.

"I didn't mean to interrupt," Sam appologizes embarrassed, scratching the back of his neck.

"Its fine," Dean says to Sam, helping me down.

"Well let's, um, let's go upstairs," I say, feeling very awkward. I follow Sam and Dean up the stairs, Bobby is standing at the door ready to go.

"So what's the plan?" Dean asks, putting on his leather jacket.

"We are going to hide behind the shed, wait for them to show up, then just go from there," Sam explains, opening the door. I hold Deans hand then we walk out the door. We go on a long walk in the dark, trying to find the shed. If I wasn't holding Deans hand I would have probably fallen or gotten lost by now.

"There's the shed!" Sam shouts excited, walking up to the shed. We all go behind it and sit down. Bobby sits on the far right, Sam sits next to him, I sit in the middle, and Dean sits on the far left.

"So how long have you guys been hiding your relationship from me?" Sam asks

"It wasn't hiding it, it just didn't come up," I answer, pulling grass out of the ground out of boredom.

"How long tho?"

"3 weeks," Dean answers Sam's question, then looks at Bobby. He looks very confused. I'll explain later if we all make it out.

"I hear someone coming," Dean whispers, picking up his gun. I start to hear a vehicle pulling up to the shed.

"Put them in the cage!" I hear a voice demand.

"How will the winchesters even know they are here?" Another voice asks, louder than the other one.

"Trust me, they will know,"

"I can't wait to see the boss's face when he sees we have all 3 winchesters bodies," the first voice says, Dean looks at me panicked.

"He will be even happier than he was when he heard Mike was dead," the other voice says, my eyes widen and my body starts to shake. I feel Dean move closer to me.

"Is my father dead?" I whisper, Dean and I look at Sam.

"In my vision, your dad was laying in the cage dead," Sam confesses.

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