Chapter 19

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I open my eyes and see Dean, sitting on a chair with his head in his hands. I run out the open door, running over to Dean.

"Dean, are you ok?" I ask, I go to rest my hand on his back but it goes all the way through almost as if I am a ghost.

I take a step back and look around, I'm in a hospital.

"Dean!" I shout at the top of my lungs but Dean doesn't move. I look around the hospital. It's cold and plain. Everything is white and gray.

I go back into the room I came from and gasp at what I see.

My body.

My pale, bloody, lifeless body, hooked to a ton of machines.

Bobby and Sam sit in the corner of the room in gray chairs. They both sit staring at the tile floor. I can see tears falling down Sam's face. Am I dead?

The monitors say I'm still alive. There are machines making me breathe. I can't even breathe on my own?

I run back out of the room over to Dean. He is now walking down the hall. I follow him.

He stops at an empty place at the way end of the hall. He starts breaking down.

"HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?!" He shouts in tears, then punches a hole in the gray wall. I flinch and take a step back.

Dean falls to the ground on his knees, his head in his hands. I never thought id see Dean Winchester crying this much, so upset and broken.

I need to wake up. I can't die, I need to live.

"Hello Miranda," I hear a woman's kind voice say. I turn around and see a woman in her late 20's.

"Wait, you can see me?" I ask, confused.

"Yes, I'm here to take you away, it's your time to die and move on," the lady smiles, holding her hand out to me.

"No, I'm not going anywhere, I need to live!" I shout, running away.

"Don't run Miranda, you have to move on, Dean will be ok without you," The woman says in a kind voice. What does she not understand about the word no?

I need to wake up. I close my eyes, then open them. I still see the woman, I'm still stuck between life and death. I close my eyes again, opening them quickly. It's not working.

I start running towards the exit door, I open it expecting to find a parking lot, but instead I'm standing in my old bedroom.

I see myself on a bed, playing with toy cars. My dad walks in and sits on the edge of my bed.

I hurry up and run past the bed, and open my bedroom door to run out. Instead I'm in the school where I met Sam Winchester on my first day.

What is happening?

I run out the school exit door and find myself back in the hospital.

"You can't run from death," I hear the woman from before say.

"My dad almost died 5 years ago, but he made it out." I reply, crossing my arms.

"Now why do I end up somewhere else everytime I run out of a door?"

"Those are all your memories, behind every door is a different memory,"

"What happens when I go through all of them?" I ask, I can tell by her face there's something she doesn't want me to know.

"I ASKED WHAT HAPPENS!" I shout, getting angry, she sighs and nods her head.

"Behind one of those doors is your worst memory. There's a way out through there. That's all I'm going to say, but only a few people have been able to succeed." The woman explains, I'm about to ask more questions when she dissapears.

I need to find the door to my darkest memory. What would be my darkest memory?

I think for a few minutes, then open a door. It takes me to the right place, the place my worst memory happened. A memory I would do anything not to live through again.
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Where do you guys think the door leads? Comment what you think below! :)

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