Chapter Five - 6 - Keep it a Secret

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-Keep it a Secret-

            “Ah,” Rhodanne gasped when there was a knock on her window.  She saw Reno’s grin from the other side and rushed over to open it.

            “Reno, what’re you doing here?” she asked.  “And how did you get here?”

            “Our rooms are next to each other,” Reno said, smiling at Rhoda, whom had obviously just gotten out of the bath, a towel wrapped around her and held up by her long, thin fingers, with neatly cut fingernails.

            “It wasn’t hard to climb over,” Reno said.  “I could reach the windowsill easily,” he nodded.  “I’m glad you were near when I came.  I don’t like hanging around for too long,” he nodded, smirking as he climbed in.

            “Oh....” Rhoda grabbed a strand of her dripping wet hair and twirled it around her finger, rolling on the balls of her feet.  “Uhm... can I get dressed first?” she asked.

            “What?” Reno made a face.  “Why cover something so beautiful, so divine?”

            He grinned in satisfaction, seeing he had made her blush.  He turned around, closing and locking the window, pulling the curtains shut, making the room much darker.

            “W-What?” Rhodanne tugged at the bottom of her towel, trying to cover her feminine parts.  “S-Stop flirting Reno,” she said.

            “Flirting?  Me?  You were flirting last night, too,” Reno said.  “If we’re going to keep a secret, I should at least make sure it’s something good enough worth keeping secret,” he said, pulling his shirt off and tossing it to the ground.

            “So... you want to see more?” Rhoda asked, gripping the top of the towel, biting her lower lip.  “Is this it?” she asked, uncovering herself, unwrapping the towel, holding it like a cape.

            “Mmmmh, maybe,” Reno smirked, closing the distance between them and placing a kiss on her cheek.

            “Maybe I want to see more, too,” Rhodanne said, letting out a little moan when he ran his hands down her back.

            “I think we can work that out,” Reno said.  “Out little secret,” he said.  “Because, if anybody finds out, we’ll have to stop you know.”

            “I don’t want it to- uhn- stop,” Rhoda shuddered when he fingered her.

            “Good,” Reno smirked, covering her mouth with his.  “Let’s see how quiet we can be,” he sniggered, sweeping her up into his arms and carrying her to the bedroom.


bad Reno, you stupid little manwhore, you used to be a sweet cheeseball in the first draft, but now we've Caanan for cheeziness and, oh no xD  this complicates my original idea, stop being such a stupid manwhore xD

but I still love you Reno :3  

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