Chapter Three - 1 - Reminiscing

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Chapter Three



            He stared down at his cup, the ice in his whiskey, lost deep in thought.  Next to him, Chomeske was stirring her Irish Coffee, a smile on her face.  She was knocking out messages in the wood to Caanan, who rapped his responses back.

            Allen watched her from the corner of his eye.  He was sure of it now; this was the girl he had pulled out of the ocean almost fourteen years ago, but he remembered her being able to speak.

            Aween.  Alween.  Allen.

            Yes, she had been able to speak, but what Allen wanted to know was what had taken her voice from her.  He had not seen any scars on her neck, so he doubted her voice loss was from injury.


            maybe she’s mute by choice?

            -something happened.

            No swimming!

            Allen wished he knew what took such a loud little voice.  He was brought back by a tap on the shoulder.

            Allen? Chomeske frowned, using one hand to sign, holding up her drink to her mouth with the other.

            You’re quiet, is something wrong?  Sorry... maybe you’re just a quiet person....  I’ll shut up now, she waved it off.

            “Do you-” Allen paused, pushing the thought aside.  She must have been... what?  Three? Four?  I doubt she’d remember me.  “Are you good friends with Caanan?” Allen asked, seeing Caanan sitting at a table with a couple women, laughing, one of them sitting on his lap.

            Caanan?  Oh, well, he’s an idiot, Chomeske grinned.  But he taught me how to sign, so he’s not that stupid....  But would you believe it?  The first thing he tried to teach me was to sign ‘Caanan has wonderful hair!’  Well, his hair was longer then, and I sort of....

            “Sort of what?” Allen asked, catching something in her eyes.

            Cut it off, Chomeske shrugged.  Oops?

            Allen chuckled.  “Well, I bet he deserved it,” he nodded.

            Yup, Chomeske took another sip of her coffee, setting it down.  Where did you learn to read signs?

            “What?  Oh, Rogger--  My friend, he taught me.  I had plenty of time on my hands back then, but now I’m being sent off to work.”

            Work?  You look pretty young to be working....  What about school?

            “Well, I’m going to work at on in Lydsey, in Tharia,” Allen nodded, talking about the group of islands off the coast of Dūria.  Lydsey; a very well known city, with a prestigious boarding school located nearby.

            That’s pretty far away, I don’t think I could ever leave Alvarna, Chomeske frowned.  Are you nervous?

            “I suppose a bit, but it’ll be a nice change in scenery, although I must admit, Alvarna is a stunning city.  I’ve passed through here a few times before, and it still surprises me,” Allen smiled.

            You like surprises? Chomeske asked.

            “What kind of surprises?” Allen asked, seeing she had already finished the last of her spiked coffee.

            I can show you something nice, Chomeske grinned broadly, getting up off her barstool, brushing her dress out, her skirt coming down just below her knees, stretching her arms over her head.

            “Like what?” Allen asked, grabbing his whiskey and downing it all in a single swig.

            A surprise, Chomeske grinned.  But we’ll need to hurry before it gets too late.

            “Too late for what?” Allen asked, nearly loosing his balance when she grabbed his wrist and gave him a tug, releasing him soon afterwards.

            You’ll see, Chomeske waved him towards the door, not bothering to tell Caanan she was leaving.  She knew her way around Alvarna, and Caanan was busy.

            The woman on his lap was now half naked, and giving him a lap dance, her mouth working furiously at his neck.  Chomeske made a face, turning away and holding the door open for Allen, whom had also noticed the show Caanan had.

            Three other women were crowded around him, and the bartender waved them off into one of the back rooms he had for those either too drunk to make it home, and for those who were having trouble keeping their clothes on.

            The air was surprisingly cool for it still being summer.  Allen followed Chomeske, having no trouble keeping up with her brisk pace.

            If we hurry, we can still see it, Chomeske’s signs were hard to make out in the dim light, especially with the moon behind some clouds.

            “See what?” Allen asked.

            I already told you, a surprise.


I'm realizing how many changes the story now has made from my original idea ^^  Allen was originally a student, there was no Rogger, and the beginning was very very different ^^

What do you think Cho's surprise is?  leave your guess in the comments ^^  

THanks as always for reading ^^

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