Chapter Five - 3 - I Deserved That One... No Wait

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-I Deserved That One... No Wait-

            “Whoop,” Reno cheered as he tossed Chomeske into the lake, watching her fall hard on her backside in the shallows, her head going under water.

            “Cho?” Reno frowned.  “It’s not deep, just sit up,” he frowned, watching her thrash about in the water, panicking.

            Something flashed before her eyes, old and blurry like a memory.

            There it was again, that sense of drowning.  Not the kind she saw experiencing physically, no, a memory, she was sure of it.

            No swimming, he throat throbbed, and she grabbed it, he eyes clamped shut in fear of water rushing down her throat, into her lungs.

            “Cho!” Caanan sat bolt upright, taking a few moments to take in what was going on.  He leapt to his feet, tearing over to Chomeske’s side, reaching to pull her up while shooting daggers at Reno with his eyes.  “Bastard,” he snarled, grabbing Chomeske’s shoulders, feeling her release her breath and make a gargling sound.

            He lifted her up into his arms, his expression softening when he saw she was all right.  Scared, coughing and sputtering, but all right.

            “Ack,” Chomeske coughed, shivering, looking up at Caanan’s stunned face.  He looked as if he had just been stabbed in the back, had a wooden stake rammed up his ass and then been slapped in the face.

            “Chomeske,” Caanan turned, ignoring Reno and Rhodanne completely as he waded back to shore with her in his arms, his movements jerky and robotic.

            Chomeske cold feel his arms shaking as he set her down, on her feet.  His hands on her shoulders, he bowed his head, his shoulders heaving.

            Chomeske reached a hand out to tap his shoulder when his head snapped back up, his signature, crooked grin on his face.  “Cho, you know what you just did?” he asked, throttling her.

            Chomeske grabbed his hands, shaking her head.  Stop shaking me, she told him with her eyes, and that alone seemed enough for him to understand.

            What did I do? Cho asked, using a single hand.

            “You spoke,” Caanan laughed.  “I’ve never heard your voice before,” he said.  “Well, not really spoke, but you made noise, I thought it was some physical disability or something at first, but I knew you could talk!”

            I was coughing, Chomeske pushed his hands away so she could rub her shoulders.  The lake’s water was surprisingly cold, she realized.

            “You spoke, I heard a noise,” Caanan crossed his arms, scanning her up and down for any sign of injuries.  “You seem to be fine.”

            It’s cold, Chomeske said.  And I want bacon with salad dressing.... he stomach growled no sooner had the words left her lips.

            “Cold?  Why....” Caanan spun around, his eyes trained on Reno.  “That reminds me,” he grinned, cracking his knuckles.  “Why did you do that you bastard?”

            “What?  Well she never said she wasn’t coming in the water with us, I just gave her a little... push,” Reno said, scratching the back of his head.  “What’s so bad about that?  Nothing happened.”

            “You,” Caanan took a step.  “She’s terrified of water.  She doesn’t swim, and if she goes in water, she won’t go far in, and not without taking her time to ease into it,” he said.  “You cocky dick, you better stop strutting around here like you own the place.”

            “Well technically, I do,” Reno pointed out.  “I own the lake and a few hundred acres here....”

            “Shut up,” Caanan hissed.

            Chomeske reached forward, grabbing the back of Caanan’s shirt, tugging at it to keep him back, but being dragged along with him.

            “Eep,” Rhodanne squeaked, stumbling back and away from Caanan.

            “Nobody asked you, you fucktard,” Caanan jerked his head from side to side, cracking his neck as he rolled his shoulders.

            “Hey, we can work this out like civilized people, can’t we?” Reno asked, backing away.

            “Civilized?  Civilized my ass!  Are you implying that I’m not civilized?  I’ll give you civilized!”

            Caanan jumped at Reno, tackling him, Chomeske being pulled face first into the water again, bumping her nose on the ground, her vision blurred with red.

            Rhodanne helped Chomeske up while Reno and Caanan wrestled in the water, Caanan yelling insults and Reno attempting to quote famous writers on peace.

            “Nhda,” Chomeske sputtered, holding her nose, sticky blood pouring from it.  Thank goodness nothing is broken, Chomeske thought to herself.

            Caanan bolted around when he heard Rhodanne’s high pitched whining, and Cho’s squeak.  “Cho?” he dropped Reno, kicked him once more in the side, splashing over, dripping wet.  “Oh geez, don’t lean your head back, pinch your nose, Cho.”

            Chomeske did as instructed, carefully holding her nose closed, making a face.  “Blle,” she spat out some blood that was pooling in the back of her mouth.

            Caanan beamed.  “Cho, you’re making sounds again,” he helped her up, guiding her gently back to the bank.  “I’m going to get her back to the inn,” he announced, picking up her book and turning to shoot one last glare at Reno.

            “You better stay away from her you,” he flashed him a smile, flipping him off.

            “See you at dinner,” Rhoda waved absentmindedly, turning back to Reno, frowning.  “What was that for?”

            “What?” Reno asked.  Not you too, stop putting the lid on my pot!”

            “Reno,” Rhoda frowned, crossing her arms across her chest.

            “Okay, fine, maybe I deserved that one....”


BAdummmm, a new plot line is starting x)  Chomeske's voice coming back? *gasp*  can you believe it?  Well, it's happening ^^

Hope you enjoyed this chapter~

THanks for reading, you get waffles (#)(#)

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