Chapter One - 3 - The Ryes Take A Stroll

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-The Ryes Take A Stroll-

            “Wook!” the little girl cried, pointing up at a silhouette in the sky.  Her auburn curls were tied back in a braid, done by her mother.  It had taken her mother a long time to persuade her to sit still long enough for her to braid it, and to string the black ribbons in her hair.

            Her mother gave a little laugh, her hair the same shade as her daughters.  Her daughter shared a striking resemblance to her, and even some of her mannerisms were the same, but her eyes were her father’s eyes, a strange, dark jade color, seeming to be sprinkled with salt and pepper.

            “Cho, don’t get too close to the water,” her mother warned when the child toddled too close to the edge of the water, the waves dancing up the beach, dangerously close to the girl’s sandals.

            “Chomeske!” the woman exclaimed, dropping the blanket roll she had to run after her daughter.  “Get back here!”

            “Mama, where’s Papa?” Chomeske asked, turning around to look up at her mother.

            “Papa is coming, just be patient!” her mother laughed.  “We can go swimming later.”

            Chomeske pouted, her nose wrinkling.  “No, Papa now!  Wook!” she waved up at the sky again.  “I see boat!”

            Her mother took her hand, pulling her over to the roll, making her stand still, a safe distance from the waves as she shook it out, laying it down on the sand of the empty beach.  “That’s an airship, Cho,” she smiled.

            “Airshipbth,” Chomeske stuck her tongue out.

            “Close enough,” he mother smiled.  “Good try Chomeske,” she laughed.

            “Papa!” the little girl squealed, doing a little hop, pointing over behind her mother.  “Wook, Papa!”

            “Whoa!” her mother laughed, a man grabbing her from behind and twirling her around, scooping Chomeske up in his arms.

            “Surprise!” he laughed, running a hand through his floppy brown hair, his jade eyes twinkling merrily.

            “Papa!” Chomeske squealed, tugging at the stubbles of his beard.  “Papa home?”

            “Yes, Papa’s home,” his eyes wrinkled up at the corners, and he carefully swatted his daughter’s hand away.  “No, leave it,” he smiled.

            “Pa-pu-a!” Chomeske laughed, grabbing for his beard again.


I love writing litlte kids x3  the'yre so adorable and silly and.... I WANNA HUG THEM TO DEATH X)

yes, I'm tyour average deranged babysitter who wants to take adorable little kids home with me, because they're fun and cute x)  hehe :P

Next chapter, more introductions xD

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