Chapter One - 2 - Rogger Makes A Move

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-Rogger Makes A Move-

            “Allen!  Allen!” A thick voice yelled.

            Allen was sitting in bed, books and papers strewn everywhere, a pen stuck behind his ear.  His light brown hair was tumbling over his piercing silvery grey eyes.

            “Beth ydwy?” Allen yelled back at the man who had practically raised him singlehandedly, teaching him everything he knew.  What is it?

            “Allen, get your little arse over here, this instant!  Dod yma!” the deep voice yelled.  “Come here!”

            With a sigh, Allen removed the pen from behind his ear, tossed it on top of the open book and got up, running a hand through his hair, the floorboards creaking.

            He shoved the cracked door to the long sheltered balcony, which joined multiple rooms.

            “Beth ydyw?” Allen repeated.  “What is it this time Rogger?”

            The tall, burly, bearded man turned from where he stood, his skin bronzed from the sun and--Allen groaned--he was walking around shirtless again, showing off his muscles.  His peppery gray hair and beard were tousled by the wind, a broad grin on his face.

            “Rogger, we don’t need to see your hairy chest.  There aren’t any girls around here to swoon, except that old cook with the rotten teeth,” Allen rubbed his closed eyes.

            “This,” Rogger waved at himself.  “Everybody loves this, and you do too,” he grinned.  “And all the extra sun I’ve been getting really turns some chicks on, you should work out more shrimpy,” he laughed, slamming a frying pan sized hand on Allen’s shoulder.

            “Rogger, what do you want?  Did you just call me so you could harass me more?”

            “No, not for that, I decided I’d teach you something good today,” Rogger nodded.  “We haven’t had a lesson for a while.”

            “We’re on vacation Rogger, give it a break,” Allen shoved his tutor's hand away, a scowl on his face.

            “And you never stopped to wonder why we went on such a sudden vacation?” Rogger made a face, then bursting out into laughter, his chest heaving, clutching his sides.

            “That’s sad,” Rogger spoke once ha had his laughter under control.  “I mean, really?  How long have I been teaching you?” he waved a hand at Allen.  “And only five-hundred and....”

            “Five hundred and twelve,” Allen said.

            “And you still don’t know me all that well, do you?  That’s sad.”

            “Well, if you didn’t hide things from me, I would know them, but with you hiding yourself, and having a lot more experience at hiding things, obviously, I don’t know everything about you!” Allen argued.

            “Good point kid,” Rogger nodded.  “Well, would it make you feel better if I told you what you’re going to learn today?” he asked.

            “What would that be?” Allen asked, stepping over to the rail of the enclosed balcony, looking down to see clouds, and through spaces in the fluffy white clouds, he saw the deep blue sea.  The wind flopped his hair into his eyes, making it harder for him to see.

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