Chapter One - 4 - Tono Becomes A Riddler

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-Tono Becomes A Riddler-

            “I reflect like a mirror, deeper than the sea.  Reflection is never clear, even looking at me,” a black haired boy, much too lanky for his age sat on a rug, reading off a piece of paper he had written on in his neat, loopy handwriting.

            “I don’t get it,” whined the girl sitting across from him, sticking her thumb in her book to mark her page, looking up from it.  “Give me a hint.”

            The boy cleared his throat, scanning the paper for hints.  “I come in e’ry color, blue, brown and green.  I could name a few more, can’t you see?”

            “Pau is right,” the girl used the name she had given her father, shaking out her black curls, her lime green eyes watching him closely, as if trying to cut into her twin’s mind.  “You really are smart, Tono, you got me stumped with this one.”

            Tono laughed.  “Well, Toki, I’m trying to make a riddle better than Pau’s!” he grinned.  “So I’m testing it on you before I test it on him.”

            “Another hint, please?” Toki lilted her head, her eyes pleading.

            “Others can see them, though you can’t, lest there be a mirror in your possession.  Everybody has two, round and wide.  What am I?”

            She thought for a moment, tapping her chin.  “Eyes?”

            “Ding, ding!” Tono flashed her a grin.  “Good job!”

            “You’re a real Riddler,” Toki nodded with admiration.  “I bet Pau would say the same, too,” she added.

            Tono laid back, the paper clutched to his chest.  “I want to read Pau my riddle.”

            “Shut up Riddler, I want to read.”

            “Hey, Toki!  I have a name!” Tono complained.

            “Fine,” she cleared her throat with a cough, a smirk on her thin lips.  “Antonio the Riddler.

            “I’m not Antonio!” Tono complained.  “I’m Tono Dupre!”

            “What about as a pseudonym?” Toki asked.

            “Like... a superhero name?” Tono asked.  “I was never into those sort of things, not like you always reading about them,” he teased.

            “Don’t make fun of Gerard the Knight!” Toki raised her voice, flashing the cover of her book at him, the cover reading Gerard’s Legion - Volume XIVI in bold letters.  “His books are real good!”

            “What about a detective’s name?” Tono asked.  “Antonio the Riddler....  Antonio Riddler, genius detective,” he tapped his chin.

            “Oh Tono, not that nonsense again!” Toki stuck her tongue out at her twin.  “You always ruin things!”

            “What?  Me?  Who always go around spouting information like a flipping encyclopedia!  We have enough of them flying around the house as it is!”

            “Hey, you like Pau’s book collection, too!” Toki retorted, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

            “Yeah, but it is a bit much when you can barely get through the hall with all the books scattered around, and then those shelves!  An encyclopedia fell the other day and nearly knocked me out cold!”

            “Nu-ah!” Toki yelled, marking her page with a bookmark, setting it down beside her and cracking her knuckles.

            “Yu-huh!” Tono stood up, stuffing the paper with his riddle in his pocket.

            “Tono!  Toki!” a man’s voice carried from down the hall.  “What’s going on over there?”

            “Pau!” Toki whined.  “Tono is threatening me again!”

            “Tono!” his father’s voice made the boy cringe.

            “I swear I didn’t do a thing!  Look, I can prove it!”

            He heard footsteps heading towards their room, a gaunt face peering around the doorway, his stubbly chin out at an angle, his mass of dark hair adding to his bizarre appearance.

            “Pau!” Toki ran to hug her father’s waist.  “Tono is threatening me!”

            Their father shot Tono a look.  “You said you can prove you weren’t.  I’d like to hear your explanation.

            “Well, first of all,” Tono waved at Toki.  “Her posture.  You see how her knees are bent together?  She does that when she’s nervous.  And the hair tucked behind her ear- she always does that when she’s lying.”

            “Do not!” Toki pushed her hair back behind her ear again, her face flushing.

            His father let out a laugh.  “You two get along now,” he hugged them both close.

            “Hey, Pau, wanna hear the riddle I wrote?” Tono asked.

            “Go wild,” their Pau smiled, leaning against the doorframe to listen.


I just realized how many R's I have..... I need more Q's, I lvoe that letter >.<  so... look out for some random person going by "Q" xD

okay, hope it makese sense so far, don't be surprised if it gets all weird and crazy and confusing xD

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