Chapter Four - 6 - It'll All Be Right in the Morning

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-It’ll All Be Right in the Morning-

            “And it’ll all be right in the morning,

            The sun will shine, the night will say its goodbyes

            I say, don’t worry about little things

            I’ll keep your woes away

            It’ll all be right in the morning,

            Let me kiss your tears away, then I can say,

            ‘Everything will be okay,’

            It’ll all be right in the morning,” the woman on the side of the road recited the ballad, her eyes closed, her light voice carrying far in the early morning fog, which had rolled in from the sea, thick with its scent; one that reminded Allen of Chomeske.

            “Oi, Allen?” Rogger called, bringing Allen back to reality.  “You all right?” he asked, shrinking back when Allen shot him a glare.

            “All right?  You did not just ask that Rogger, oh, don’t even go there!”

            “What?  Don’t blame me for what happened Allen,” Rogger scowled.  “It’s not my fault the girl got-” he raised his arms in defeat when Allen shot him an unusually nasty look.  “Shutting up,” he coughed, pausing for a moment.

            “I’ll go buy a shirt,” he called.

            Allen waved it off.  “It doesn’t matter, I’m going away tomorrow anyhow....  I can’t believe we’re parting, after all these years though,” he turned back to Rogger, ignoring the people on the sidewalk passing them.

            “Five hundred and twenty-six years,” Rogger smiled.  “A pretty good time, eh, boyo?”

            Allen shrugged.  “You were annoying back then, and still are.”

            “Am not!” Rogger gasped.  “You’re going to miss me,” he smirked.

            “No,” Allen shook his head.  “This is a new start,” he said.  “I’ll be glad of the quiet,” he crossed his arms.

            “Still as stubborn as ever,” Rogger laughed, holding his arms out.  “Come give me a hug.”

            Allen hesitated, but did let Rogger give him a hug.  “You big fat lug, you better come visit me,” he let out a cough, rolling his eyes, trying to put on a tough face but Rogger knew better.  He saw right through Allen’s act.

            “You’ll be fine Allen, and the girl will be fine,” he said, releasing Allen and pulling a small object out of his pocket.  “I was saving this for tomorrow, but... just take it now,” he pressed the small parcel, wrapped in brown paper into Allen’s hands.

            “Why now?” Allen raised an eyebrow.

            “Because I didn’t tell you I was called to Barthentiell,” Rogger forced a smile, one Allen could see through easily.  “Funny how we’re both called away to work at the same time, eh, boyo?” he asked.  “I’m giving that to you know... because if I stick around any longer, I think I might cry,” he grinned.

            “You... why?  Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Allen asked, looking down at the parcel.

            “Because I know of your aversion to Barthentiell,” Rogger said.  “It’s perfectly understandable, seeing as what happened to your mother,” he smiled.  “I didn’t want you to worry about me any sooner than you needed to, Allen.  Now go, you’ll make a great teacher you flightless, skinny assed bird.”

            “And I’m sure you’ll make a great barricade,” Allen smiled.  “You fat lug, you won’t be able to fly with all the weight you put on,” Allen couldn’t help but laugh.

            “Yeah, all up here,” Rogger gestured to his biceps.  “And down he-” he stopped, knowing Allen got the rough idea.

            “Next time we meet,” Allen said.  “I’m going to have a girl, so you can’t bug me any more,” he nodded, holding out a hand.

            “Next time we meet,” Rogger grinned.  “I’ll have myself a fan club,” he laughed, taking Allen’s hand and shaking it.  “You sure have grown boyo, say, I might have to start seeing you as a rival now, eh?”

            “Maybe,” Allen smiled.

            And with that, the two simply turned in opposite directions, and parted ways.

            It’ll all be right in the morning, Allen told himself.  In the morning, I’ll be a day closer to letting go of her....


watchign the new girl..... they're dancing to I'm Sexy and I Know It xD  oh geez, has anyone seen the music video? ... it's scary ¬.¬

I love the show xD  

well, how do you liek the story so far? i'd love to hear what you think~

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