Chapter Two - 1 - Read the Signs Cho

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Chapter Two


-Read the Signs Cho-

            There came a hollow knock on the door, the short girl running up to open it, a fat black marker tucked behind her right ear, a strand of her light auburn curls tucked behind her ear with it.  Her dark jade eyes, dappled with salt and pepper were wide as she peeked through the door’s peephole.

            “Hello?  Ant?  Toki?  Cho?”

            Chomeske brushed her bangs back, smiling at the familiar face.  She rapped her knuckles against the door, as the man outside had taught her to.  Hello Caanan, she tapped out, using Morse Code.

            She grabbed at the sliding chain lock, pulling it back, pushing the doorknob down and opening the door.

            “Hey Cho, nice to hear you,” Caanan flashed her his trademark grin, his hands flying around his head, signing everything he said.

            Chomeske shook with silent laughter, having a hard time signing her response back with the notebook under her arm.  How are you Caanan?

            “Very well, thank you,” Caanan ducked inside, nearly tripping on a pile of books that littered the entryway.  He kicked off his shoes, setting them by the little step leading up to the hallway.  “Is Tono here?”

            Getting annoyed, Chomeske tore the notebook out from under her arm, flipping it open to a previously used page with a red colored sticky tab on it, turning to show the answer to him.  In neat shorthand, the common writing form where she lived, in the city of Alvarna.

            In her home country, Dūria, their words were very long compared to those of other languages, so children were taught to write in longhand--the more formal way--and in shorthand--using a complex set of symbols, but saving one the time of writing out every separate letter.

            Yes, her notepad read, big black letters in the center of the otherwise completely white page.

            “Oh, Cho,” Caanan waved at her, snatching the notebook and setting it down on top of a pile of books.  He went back to sign, even though she could read lips.  “You’re learning to sign, not write, writing is for little kids,” he let out a laugh, his dark blonde hair flopping about over his blue eyes.

            Oh yeah Caanan?  Well, maybe I’ll make sure Toki comes and kicks you out before you can even sign “oops!”  Take that Caanan! she clapped her hands together, like one would do after taking the garbage out, and crossed her arms, a smirk on her face.

            “Oh yeah?” Caanan asked, clearing his throat.  He cracked his knuckles, shaking his hands out, getting ready for some furious signing.

            “Well,” he fell silent, getting into the rapid hand movements.  I can kick Toki’s ass any day!  And you’re not even a match for me, shorty!

            Oh yeah?  Just you wait, when you’re not looking, Chomeske grinned darkly.  I’ll be there shaving your hair off, and then drawing all over your head with my marker.  Then you’ll be a tall, ugly baldy!

            “Not my hair!” Caanan yelped, grabbing his head and shooting daggers at Chomeske with his eyes.  “You touch my hair and I’ll murder you!”

            “If anybody is going to be doing murdering, it’s me,” came a dark voice from behind Chomeske.  She made a confused face at Caanan, whose jaw had dropped, her confused expression melting into a grin.  She spun around, her face lighting up.

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