Chapter Four - 2 - Chalk Dust

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-Chalk Dust-

            “Oof,” a girl exiting her compartment stepped into Chomeske, their foreheads bumping together.  “Sorry!” she squeaked, her bright blue eyes boring into Chomeske’s green.

            Chomeske forced a smile, nodding that it was not a problem, her fake smile becoming genuine when the short redhead’s stomach growled loudly.

            “Hehe,” she laughed, rubbing the back of her head, making her straight hair stick up at the back.  It came down to around her middle back, parts of it sticking out at odd angles due to the fluffy lilac scarf she wore.  “I didn’t mean to run you over,” she smiled sheepishly, winking.  “Can I make it up to you with some lunch?”

            Chomeske shook her head, waving it off.

            “Is something wrong?” the girl frowned, leaning in closer, her fingers on her chin, stroking an invisible beard.  “Hmmmm,” she nodded, inspecting Chomeske.

            Chomeske pointed to her throat, shaking her head.

            “You don’t speak?” the girl’s jaw dropped.  “I’m sorry!  Uhm....  Give me a moment!” she darted back into her compartment for a few moments, coming out, waving a small chalkboard over her head, a little case with chalk in the other.  “Here you are, this should help,” she smiled, handing them to Chomeske, who shook her head.

            “Keep them,” the redheaded girl smiled.  “I’ve another, that was my spare,” she said.  “I use them for jotting things down all the time, or drawing when I get bored,” she giggled.

            Chomeske pulled out a piece of chalk, putting the case safely in her pocket, the chalk making noises, almost like a clicking as she wrote, turning the board so the girl could read.

            “Choke me?” the girl’s jaw dropped, her face the most puzzled one Chomeske had ever seen.  “Huh?”

            Chomeske wiped it away with the back of her hand, trying longhand.

            “Chomeske?” the girl read slowly, sounding it out.

            Chomeske nodded, pointing to herself, almost getting herself with the chalk.

            “Oh!  I’m Rhodanne,” the girl beamed.  “You can call me Rhoda,” she smiled.  “I can’t read shorthand very well,” she admitted reproachfully.

            It’s fine, Chomeske wrote, showing the board to Rhoda.  It can be tricky sometimes, she smiled.

            “Yup, yup!” Rhoda grinned, bobbing her head.  “So, how about I buy you lunch, or a coffee or something?” she asked.

            You don’t have to, Chomeske wrote out, surprising Rhoda with how fast she wrote.

            “But I’m gonna,” Rhoda half sang, pointing to the right of her compartment.  “Dining car is that-a way,” she nodded.  “Yup, I’ve eaten there already, their food is yummy!”

            Chomeske followed the buoyant girl, who had to be around her own age.  Rhoda chatted happily away, talking about all the food they served on the train, and was still going on about how good the train’s Onion Soup was, even after the two had been seated and were looking over the menu.

            Chomeske’s fingers left white circles on the menu that she had to wipe away, some dust from the chalk still on her fingers.

            “So where are you headed?” Rhoda asked, over her third order of Onion Soup.

            She wasn’t kidding when she said she was hungry, Chomeske thought with a smile.  She finished her apple juice, picking up the chalk again, writing her response.

            “Lydsey, too, huh?” Rhoda’s face lit up.  “That’s where I’m headed back after summer break,” she said.  “You’ll like it there,” she said.

            What’s it like? Chomeske questioned her.

            “Well, it’s big,” Rhoda said thoughtfully, licking her spoon clean.  “And there are all sorts of people there,” she added.  “And coming from one of the less wealthy families, I’ve to share a room with two other girls, but one of my roommates graduated the end of last year,” she added, twirling her spoon in her right hand.

            Do you like it there? Chomeske asked.

            “Yup,” Rhoda nodded.  “Hey, I’ve an idea!  You wanna hear?”

            Chomeske paused for a moment, scratching an itch with her left hand, the chalk still in her hand, accidentally getting some on her face, without realizing it.  She smiled, nodding.

            “Well, you’re going to have to go report to the Dorm Mother, and I can probably convince her to let you be my roommate,” she smiled.  “Only if you want, of course,” she added, waving the waiter over, who looked terrified.

            “I think I’ll have one more soup please,” Rhoda grinned, turning to read Chomeske’s most recent message.

            I’d love to.  Thank you Rhoda, Chomeske was smiling, thinking that maybe things would not be as bad as she expected them to be if she was with a nice girl like Rhodanne.

            “Ha-ah,” Rhoda sighed.  “You’re so nice Chomeske,” she said.  “I like you,” she beamed.  “You and I’ll be great friends!”

            Chomeske smiled and nodded.  Yeah, she thought.  Things are looking up now....


things are looking up now.... for like, one chapter... maybe? :P

oh well, I was kinda being nice to Cho here~  not for long though :P  things will be pickign up here soon i think,.... and hope ^^

hope you've enjoyed so far :D

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