Chapter Three - 5 - Tono's Desicion

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-Tono’s Decision-

            “I thought she went home,” Caanan’s voice echoed in her mind.

            “Gauche kept us all night,” Toki had said.

            “I’m sorry,” Tono didn’t seem to stop apologizing.  “I’m sorry.”

            No amount of sorry could turn back time.  Chomeske was scared and had not set foot outside again since Tono and Toki had found her on the sidewalk after being raped.  No amount of sorry could bring Allen back, or make her forget what she had seen.

            Chomeske stood up, getting out of the bathtub.  Its water had long since become cold, but since that man--that beast--Follust had--she shuddered at the thought--she felt dirty, and sick.

            Dressed in thick clothing, despite it still being summer, Chomeske walked downstairs, where she found Tono, Toki, Caanan and Gauche sitting in their kitchen, which was the only room that was book free (Toki had made sure of that), all at the small table.

            They had fallen silent when Chomeske entered, and she hated their searching gazes.

            ‘Did you sleep all right?’  ‘Did you eat everything on your plate?’  ‘Did you’ this and that was all she got lately, besides ‘I’m sorry,’ and she hated it.  She knew they were worried, but she couldn’t bear the pain, the humiliation.

            “Hello Cho, how have you been?” Gauche asked.  The last time she had seen him was three days ago; the day she had met him.

            Chomeske frowned.  Do I really need to answer that? she asked, tears coming to her eyes again.

            “Insensitive-” Toki muttered obscenities under her breath, getting up and pulling Chomeske into an embrace.  “Shhhhh, don’t cry,” Toki patted Chomeske’s back.”

            Caanan cleared his throat.  “I can’t help but feel responsible,” he trailed off.

            “It wasn’t your fault,” Tono shook his head.  “I should have listened to you when you warned be about it having started again.  So now, I’m going to do something to keep her safe.”

            Toki released Chomeske from the hug, patting her shoulder.  “Tono has something to tell you,” she said.

            What is it? Chomeske asked.

            “Well, Gauche has plenty of connections, as you might imagine,” Tono cleared his throat, standing up and placing a hand on Chomeske’s shoulder.  “As I am now, I can’t do much to protect you, but I can send you a place where you can be safe, Cho.”

            But I don’t want to leave Alvarna! Chomeske pushed Tono’s hand away.  But I don’t want to stay either, she thought.

            “Cho,” Tono pulled her into a hug.  “I don’t want you to get hurt, and Caanan already said he was willing to go with you, for extra protection.”

            “And to keep you playing memory games,” Gauche added.  “You need to keep digging around in your memory.”

            Where would I go? Chomeske asked.

            “Lydsey, probably,” Tono said.  “There’s a school there, a boarding school for some of the more wealthy, but Gauche said he could get you in.  There would always be people around, so you’d be safe, and you’d have a roommate, most likely, and Caanan’s room would be near yours.  He wouldn’t be a student, naturally, but most of the students there have some sort of body guard, so having somebody with you would not be too strange.”

            Chomeske shook her head.  I don’t want to go, she looked away.

            “Please Cho, at least until Gauche and I can get to the bottom of these murders here, all of these incidents, when things settle down, I promise, I’ll go straight to Lydsey to pick you up myself.”


            “I promise,” Tono smiled, patting her shoulder.  “I promise on my life.”


yeah... i dunno, I was happy a 'mo ago and now i feel crappy.... homesick i guess?  just thinking about going away makes me want to cry.... I wanna go home

who said home is where the family is?  that person lied, home is where the heart is, and mine is in Germany.... still xD  I feel like an idiot for still being in love, even after four months of being apart, but... hey, homesickness and lovesickness suck Dx

Over My Head is like my theme song xD  oh well... I wanna sing now ^^

thanks for reading this, I really do get happy when I see this is being read, comments or no comments ^^

what do you think is goign to happen to Cho after being raped?  leave what you think will happen next in the comments ^^

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