Chapter Two - 4 - A Little Stroll

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-A Little Stroll-

            “The human mind is a wondrous thing,” Gauche nodded, happy with Chomeske’s work.  “It has so much potential,” he laughed.

            I don’t know what you find so special about me being able to remember a few numbers.

            “A few numbers?  A few numbers!” Gauche spat.  “You did more than that.  You remembered them forward, backwards, upwards, downwards and any other wards I could think of quizzing you on.  Now, give me the first set of numbers again.”

            Five, nine, seven, eight, two, one, zero, zero, eight, three, four, Chiwa signed without second thought.

            “Correct....  Again!” Gauche laughed.  “What I don’t quite get is how you can remember things like that and not access your memories....”

            How would I know? Chiwa shrugged as Gauche led her back into his “office,” a buoyant air about him.

            “Well, you wouldn’t, that’s why you’re going to be coming over regularly from now on,” Gauche announced, practically kicking the door open.  “After you.”

            Chomeske shook her head.  After you, I don’t have a clue where we’re going.

            “Oh, true,” Gauche laughed, tucking his hands in his pockets, still chewing on his toothpick as he led her downstairs to the sitting room, where Tono, Toki and Caanan were, Tono and Caanan shooting dirty looks at the other, Toki dozing off, her arm hanging off the couch she had claimed, her fingertips just touching the floor.

            “Good morning!” Gauche said in greeting.  “Look what I bought!” he flung an arm around Chomeske’s shoulders.  “She’s a wonderful child!  Tono, I need to have a talk with you, why not have Caanan take her out for a drink?”

            Tono frowned.  “She’s too young to drink.”

            “Too young?  Too young!  Nobody’s too young to drink!” he laughed, crossing his arms.  “Antonio,” Gauche bit through his toothpick and spat it out onto the carpet, grinding it into the floor with his heel.  “You want to let Caanan take Chomeske out while we have a little conversation about her inheritance.”

            Caanan looked back at Tono one last time before jumping out of his seat, ushering Chomeske outside.  “See you,” he waved, getting Chomeske outside just before the yelling began.

            What was that all about? Chomeske asked.  Gauche... he scares me a little.

            “He scares you?  Only scares you a little?” Caanan made a face.  “I nearly pissed myself the first time he yelled at me!  I can’t believe you were up there with him for so long... alone, too!”

            He’s not that bad!  Is he? Chomeske asked, walking ahead.  Where are we going?

            “We’re going to get some drinks.  Well, I know I’m drinking, I dunno about you, but after that scare in there, I need it, and I could use a smoke.

            Chomeske spun around angrily, her loose braid almost coming around and hitting her face from the suddenness of her spin.  You need to stop smoking!

            “Cool it,” Caanan laughed.  “I won’t get sick or anything,” he smirked.  “Forget I’m studying under Gauche?  I’m practically immortal.”

            Well good for you, Chomeske rolled her eyes, backing up into a cart, setting most of the pots and pans the merchant was trying to sell flying.

            Fuck, Chomeske made a face, and the sign she used to express that word was one anybody could understand, even without knowing sign language.

            “You know, for a mute person, you’re unusually loud,” Caanan made a face.

            “I’m sorry sir, my friend here did not mean to knock those all off,” Caanan hurried to apologize.  “We’ll pick them up for you.”

            They spent the next ten minutes or so picking up pots and pans, metal cups and utensils form the ground, and even got some help from a brown haired boy, whose eyes never seemed to leave Chomeske.  In the end, the merchant let them go, saying they did not need to bother helping clean his goods, as he was about to close up shop for the day anyway and go home.

            It had become much later than they had expected while at Gauche’s, and, to thank the boy for his help, Caanan offered to take him out for a drink as well.

            “Your friend is awful quiet, isn’t she?” he asked, watching Chomeske closely.

            “She’s mute,” Caanan said.  “What’s your name again?” he asked, eying him suspiciously.  To him, it was obvious he was interested in Chomeske, who seemed completely oblivious to his interest.

            “Allen,” he responded.  “And you are?”

            “Caanan, and that’s-” Caanan paused, his hands freezing in mid sentence when Allen raised his hands.

            “Chomeske?” Allen asked.

            “How do you know? Caanan asked.

            “Oh, I saw you signing,” Allen muttered.  “You signed her name.  Chomeske, right?”

            Chomeske bobbed her head, a smile on her face.  Nice to meet you Allen, she smiled.

            Allen smiled, raising a hand in response, unable to get Rogger’s words out of his head.

            “I’ve never seen you with a girl.”

            Maybe because I’ve never been with a girl, Allen sometimes wished he could hold his tongue.  Sometimes.

            “Oh, there’s a bar,” Caanan whistled to gain their attention.  “Drinks on me,” he laughed.  “Ah, you go easy on the alcohol, Cho,” he warned.

            Don’t ask me to carry you home, Chomeske smirked.

            Allen didn’t realize he was staring until a cloaked person bumped into him, muttering a quick apology.  The voice was oddly familiar, but he brushed it off.  There were a lot of people who sounded the same when they spoke, and he still had to keep up to Rogger’s challenge.


Heya~  this is the last segment of Chapter Two, Chapter Three coming soon to a wattpad near you xD

Ohhohohoho xD  Allen, you’re such a creeper, not like in the first attempt at the story I tried to write with you all those years ago xD  nope, Allen was originally a sweet kid, and there was no Rogger (that’s horrible, right?  I can’t imagine the story without Rogger in it now xD), but I’ve pleny more in store for this~

You know, I’ve been listening to Over My Head (Cable Car) on repeat for the past two days straight xD and I’m still listening to it~ lalalal~ hehe x)

Well, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed~

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