Chapter 34

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Matt's POV

"How's Katie doing?" I asked Sammie. The teacher had assigned me to help her with her backpack because of her leg, and we had at school together ever since.

"Um . . . today Chris said he didn't remember who she is," Sammie said sadly. I shook my head, filled with anger.

"We need to help her, you know. She was in heaven with Chris and now she's back to reality," said Sammie.

"I don't know, what should we do?" I whispered.

"I have a plan!" Sammie exclaimed. She started whispering something in my ear, but i was distracted by the sweet smell of her perfume. Her breath on my neck was starting to make me feel all melty. 

"What do you think?" she said, pulling back. I never understood what she told me.

"Yeah! Yeah, lets do it," I murmured breathlessly. She looked at me with a curious face, and I cleared my throat.

"We'll meet at lunch and discuss the plan, alright?" I asked.

"Sure!" Sammie gave me her beautiful smile and she walked into Mr. Bork's drama class.

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