Chapter 29

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Chris's POV

Katie's in the hospital with Sammie. Katie told me she was angry about something, and the car swerved, hitting a tree. Sammie broke her leg.

"You know, just hours ago you were asking if I was okay when my nose broke," I grinned. She smiled, and then she grimaced. Katie has hit her head on the steering wheel with such force that she got a wound.

"That's funny. Really funny," she whispered softly. Gauze was wrapped around her small head, but she still looked beautiful to me.

"I'm gonna go call your mom," I sighed, standing up from the chair next to the hospital bed. I was almost out the door when I heard Katie shift in the blankets.

"I was upset at her," she gulped. I turned and looked into her watery eyes. 

"She asked me if I was okay, but I told her to be quiet. When she tried to get my attention, I took my hand off the wheel to swat her away. Then we crashed. It was my fault."

I got angry. Walking up to her, I shook Katie's shoulders. "It wasn't your fault. It was nobody's fault, OK?" I said. She nodded, tears rolling down her cheeks. I sat on the bed and pulled her into my arms, stroking her hair.

"I'm sorry for scaring you," I whispered. Katie gave me a ghost of a smile and we sat there in each other's arms.


Sammie's POV

We were fighting. The car swerved. Blood trailed down Katie's cheeks. I watched as she died. Then the tree fell and I was gone.

"No!" I shot up out of the hospital bed, sweat on my forehead. I was breathing hard. Then someone took my hand.

"Sammie, what's wrong?" a familiar voice asked. I blinked in the dark room and sought out the figure of Matt.

"I need water. Now," my breath was coming out shallow, and I was shivering. He got up from his chair, the plastic scraping on the floor, and returned a second later with water.

"Drink," he gently held my head up and poured the cold water in my mouth. I sighed.

"Thank you," I whispered. Matt flicked on the lights and I stared at the room. I was in a hospital.

"What do you remember?" Matt asked softly, holding my hand.

"I don't know," I said quietly, shaking.

"Please try. Tell me what happened," he insisted. I lay back on the soft pillow, closing my eyes, the scene coming into view.

"We were in a car. Katie's car, driving home from school," I mumbled minutes later. Matt nodded.

"She seemed mad. I thought it was about you, so I tried to calm her. The car crashed," I whispered.

Then I shot up, trying to get out of the bed. My whole leg was in a brace, but that didn't stop me.

"Where's Katie? I need her with me," I struggled with the pain, and Matt gently pushed me back down.

"Katie's with Chris. She's all right. But I'll stay with you as long as you need me," Matt said. I nodded, my tears stopping.

"Can you lay with me?" I whispered, and he nodded. Then Matt laid on the blanket next to me. I was still shaking, so he pulled the blanket up to my chin.

"'Its all right, please don't cry, the world will keep on turning'," he sang softly. I tried to guess what song it was, but I was soon asleep.

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