If Only You Knew The Real Me

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Smoke rises from the still smoldering embers of my once happy life, forming small grey tendrils as it ascends into the thick choking air. All it took was one horrid night to ruin everything. I lost every right I had to live a normal life. I never saw it coming but all that I know is that I would do anything to go back and change what lies in the past.

No one knows the girl trapped in the burning ruins of the life I used to have. All they see is a smile; all they will hear is a sweet gentle laugh; all that they know is who I pretend to be. They will never hear my mournful sobs or terrified cries for help; they will never see my torture gaze or painful nights.  They will never know the whole story. Life isn't easy, at least not anymore. I am lost and in need of being found.

In a world full of people, very few have ever truly known me. As years went by I built up walls to save me from the pain they caused me. But now the pain I live in has begun to suffocate me. But they will never know. They are oblivious to the fact that I go home and cry my heart out everyday, that I sit and wonder what I did wrong.

All it took was one event to leave me longing for the past, running from the present, and fearing the future.

So the question is: Do you really know me?

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